Couple Overwhelmed With Emotion When Secret Santa Shows Up
With two adopted children and the string of hardships this couple has been facing, I can’t imagine the emotions they were feeling when they got that knock on the door.
Jaclyn Abergas

People who love Christmas love everything that comes with the holiday season. And that includes Secret Santa!

For most people, Secret Santa happens in the office, within the family or their circle of closest friends. Sometimes, they have themes or choose to have it over several days.

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But one thing is for sure, they always do their best to make it fun and capture the spirit of the holidays.

An anonymous Idaho resident wanted to take it a step further and be a Secret Santa to the people who needed a Christmas miracle. They enlisted the team at East Idaho News for help looking for these people and surprising them with the good news.

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This year, 2019, marks the fifth year this Secret Santa surprise is done. And this year, Secret Santa is giving out $500,000.


And Nate Eaton and the East Idaho News team did not disappoint and chose people who really deserve the surprise.

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For Brad and Erica, Secret Santa surprised them with health insurance for a year and $50,000 to help build their new home.

It hasn’t been an easy life for Brad and Erica as Brad has been facing many health struggles.


This gift from Secret Santa is such a big help for them. Brad has faced many health issues causing him to face many treatments and surgeries. Due to this Brad had to stop working to recover and it has been difficult to continue to pay bills and buy groceries. Erica Works as a school bus driver and does her best to provide in the meantime. They have two adopted children and knew they had to put their dreams on hold to get a home built.

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What they didn’t know was Erica’s sister had reached out to East Idaho News for their annual Secret Santa and their lives were about to be changed.

Danielle is also one of this year’s recipients.

She received a $2,000 gift card at the grocery store. Plus she also got a $1,000 gift card at Famous Footwear to help her purchase her customized shoes and Rocky Mountain Limb and Brace will install a wheelchair lift at her house for free.

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Families like Brad and Erica have done their best to keep their spirits positive and hold on to faith even in the tough circumstances they have been faced with. To get a random knock on the door and in one fell swoop have their lives changed like this overwhelmed them to tears. And that’s what a Secret Santa is all about – bringing blessing when one least expects it. Even the smallest gift can change someone’s day.

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Watch below to see the East Idaho News bless families and make their Christmas one they will never forget.

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