The moment Drew Lynch walks on the stage of America’s Got Talent, the crowd immediately breaks out in wild cheers and applause. Drew, a talented young comedian, was a runner up on America’s Got Talent back in 2015. Now 27 years old, he is invited back to perform on America’s Got Talent: The Champions and he is ready for more.
Drew is a comedian from Indianapolis with a unique perspective and an amazing story. When Drew was 20 years old, he was playing softball when a ground ball bounced up and hit him in the throat. That night, he went home and went to sleep.
The next morning he woke up with a stutter.
The softball had permanently injured and damaged his vocal cords. He explains that his whole life changed from that moment on and communicating with people has not been the same for him since. But even with this lifelong stutter, Drew has found a way to make the most of it.
“You can only hang your head for so long before you have to pull yourself up.” Drew says.
And that is where his comedy career began.
Deciding to use comedy as his platform, Drew says, “I’m giving people a voice who have to overcome a daily obstacle.”
He says that he is not ready to stop and this is only the beginning for him. Drew has a humble response to Mel B’s question of what he has been doing since the last show.
He explains that the show has taught him that his talent is really, “to continue to overcome adversity.”
As Drew begins his performance, he starts by pointing out the fact that he stutters but adds a joke to make everyone giggle.
Having his audience and the judges captured from the start, Drew makes the most of every moment. His straightforward, no-nonsense jokes have everyone laughing out loud and begging for more.
Drew’s jokes are quick, obvious, and down to earth. He is great at finding topics that are relatable. But even if you don’t get his joke the first time, he has a backup plan.
“You’re getting the joke…but also the remix.”
When his performance is over, the judges have nothing but encouraging words and praise for the young comedian.
“Drew, I’m really angry at you. That was too short! I wanted more!” yells Mel B asking for an encore of his hilarious performance.
Drew is one of Heidi Klum’s favorite comedians and Simon says he is an inspiration. “You have grown by leaps and bounds” encourages Howie.
Drew Lynch is a hilarious, young comedian who will continue to make his audience laugh and inspire them at the same time. Proof that anyone can triumph over adversity, his comedy routine has made thousands of people laugh out loud. His humble attitude and outlook on life his an inspiration on how to deal with unexpected trials.
He is a great example that no matter what obstacle is set in front of someone, they can overcome it.
Check out his hilarious performance and inspiring story below!
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