Some dogs really hate the rules. We’ve gathered 75 funniest photos of dogs who like to bend the rules to share with you today. Whether that means no sitting on the furniture or no begging for food, for a dog, these things are practically life or death.
They’ll do whatever they can to find a loophole. And let us reassure you, when you use dog logic, there is pretty much always a loophole. It can result in some very hilarious situations when the humans realize what the pups are doing.
Although, honestly, it’s hard to get mad at a dog, even if they do sometimes cross the line. After all, they are just doing what dogs do best — being dogs. At the end of the day, when they look back at you with those loving puppy-dog eyes, how could you not forgive them?
1. Just A Taste
Aegis is a quick eater and always finishes his food first. He knows he is not allowed to touch his brother Wulfgar’s dinner though, so instead, he just lays there staring and watching him eat. Technically, he’s not touching anything.
2. Only The Paws
The mom was setting up a new nursery in the house for her baby. The dogs knew they weren’t permitted in the bedroom so they waited patiently by the door. Although, a few paws couldn’t hurt, right?
3. Lost Carrot
The pups aren’t allowed to go in their mom’s home office. Although, there’s just one minor problem. The one dog accidentally threw her carrot in there. Now she is slowly inching her way across the carpet hoping no one will notice.
4. Back Seat Only
This is the face a dog makes when they know they aren’t allowed to sit up front. The pup tries its best to squeeze its head up there anyway though. It gets as close as possible to the front seat while still remaining in the back.
5. Noses Don’t Count
No chin on the table is the rule in this household. The dog has found an ingenious way to get around it though — it just rests its nose up there. It’s almost as good as a chin, but it abides by the terms set forth by the owner.
6. Kitchen Compromise
This pup always gets in the way when his owners are cooking. They had to ban him from the kitchen. Now, he sits on the top step instead so he can still watch them preparing their meals without annoying them.
7. Couch Workaround
The couch is strictly for humans. No dogs are allowed to sit on it. Although, we suppose that doesn’t prohibit a dog from laying its head on the couch. As long as the paws and butt aren’t touching, it’s fine.
8. Taking Up Space
This dog has figured out a similar solution to the no sitting on the couch thing. If you check out his back legs, you’ll see that technically, they are still on the floor. He’s only leaning his body on the couch.
9. Fallen Pillows
Also, when it comes to not sitting on couches, pillows are still fair game. They are only part of the couch if they are actually on the couch. As soon as they fall to the floor, it instantly becomes okay to sit on them.
10. Confusing Rules
It’s super important to explain the rules clearly too. Sometimes a dog thinks that leaving the front paws on the ground doesn’t count as couch sitting. This guilty guy looks at his owner questioningly to see their reaction to his new position.
11. Armrest Loophole
If you aren’t extremely specific about the regulations in your house, the pups will always find a loophole. For example, this dog isn’t sitting on the couch, only on the armrest. To her, it seems acceptable.
12. Please Throw My Ball
This dog always jumps on the desk to get his owners attention while they are trying to work. It’s a sign he wants his ball thrown to him. They forbid him from putting his paws up there, but he still wants his ball thrown, so this is his new solution.
13. Politeness Strategy
Here we have another dog that isn’t allowed to be in the kitchen while his owners are eating. A dog can still watch though. Look how polite he is being sitting there quietly and calmly with his legs crossed. Maybe his owners will reward him.
14. Hiding In The Couch
Laying underneath the cushion of the couch gets around the no sitting on the couch rule. Officially speaking, she is inside the couch. It’s just not quite as comfortable as normal. It is warmer though. The cushion can be used as a blanket.
15. Lounging Around
Dogs must talk with each other. There are so many of them that have figured out the paws on the ground exception to the no dogs on the furniture rule. Splaying your body out across the cushions is not sitting.
16. Avoid The Eyes
Try to wrap your head around this little bit of dog logic. The dog isn’t allowed in the room but thinks that if she doesn’t make eye contact with her owner, she won’t get yelled at and that it’s okay.
17. Arbitrary Boundaries
The dog isn’t allowed in the kitchen while the humans are preparing dinner. She knows exactly where the line is though and sits as close as physically possible to it. The kitchen begins at the white tiles.
18. Sneaking A Peek
This pup’s family actually tried to shut the door to keep him out of the kitchen while they were eating. He is 12.5 years old though. He has learned a few tricks along the way, including cracking the door open just barely enough to look in.
19. Finding A Way In
“I leave my daughter in the car seat while I shower so I can keep an eye on her,” the mom explains. “My corgi still loves her but we don’t allow him in the bathroom. Then when I get out of the shower I have to deal with shenanigans like this.”
20. Backward Begging
The dog is not permitted to stare at her owners while they are eating. That would constitute begging, and begging is rude. Although, as long as she isn’t facing them directly, it doesn’t count.
21. Four Feet Technicality
This adorable pup has found a really clever way to bypass the no entering in the bedroom rule. If you look closely, you’ll see that there are still two paws out in the hallway. Unless all four feet are inside the room, the rule is not violated.
22. Blanket Barrier
The dog is not allowed to sleep on the couch, but he saw his favorite blanket sitting up there folded up. He figured that if he laid on top of the blanket and not directly on the couch, it wouldn’t be considered disobedient.
23. Cooks Only
The kitchen is off-limits. If you aren’t a cook, stay out. Yes, the dog’s nose is over the line, but it’s just a nose. No one has ever been punished before for crossing a line with a nose.
24. Dog On Her Throne
No dogs are allowed on the sofa. It’s a standard rule in many households. However, after the kids threw some of the cushions on the ground, the pup immediately jumped on the opportunity and stared back at the owner triumphantly.
25. Hanging On
This funny dog found a pretty hilarious way to not lay on the couch while still basically being on the couch. He just clings onto his owner. It’s a goofy position, but if he’s comfortable like that, then why not?
26. Nonchalant Begging
The dog knows that if she looks at her owner, it’s going to be considered begging. That would create an issue. However, a casual glance or two out of the corner of the eye isn’t a punishable offense.
27. Half On Half Off
No dogs are permitted to sleep on the furniture of this household under any circumstances. The dog does his best to find the loopholes in the rule though. He has come up with some creative solutions.
28. Reaching For Popcorn
The dog isn’t allowed to reach onto the table with his head. That’s where the owners leave their food. He wants a piece of popcorn really bad though. He does his best to reach for it with his tongue but comes up just short.
29. Pet Entourage
None of the pets at this home are allowed to go in the garage. Although, they all still try anyway. The whole entourage of animals followed this man right to the door, including the cat.
30. Hungry Pups
These cute pups aren’t supposed to watch when someone is eating. They still like to get up close and personal though. They just look at each other instead of directly at their owner.
31. Last Bite
No human food is the law of the land in this strict household. Although, just this once, the owner gave the dog a tiny morsel from her plate. She was absolutely ecstatic about it, even if it was just a little bite.
32. Stay Off The Mat
The dogs know they aren’t supposed to bother their mom while she is doing yoga, but they decided to rebel based on a small loophole. In reality, she only told them not to step on the yoga mat.
33. Ottoman Isn’t A Couch
The owner told the dog she wasn’t allowed to get on the couch. No one ever said anything about the ottoman though. The dog quickly realized the mistake.
34. Exploring The World
He knows he can’t leave the patio or he’ll get in trouble. However, he can squeeze part of his body through the gate to get slightly closer to the great unknown that exists on the other side.
35. People First
Humans get first dibs on the chairs in this living room. You can tell the dog is kind of upset about it. The toddler in the family stole his favorite seat.
36. Privacy Laws
He knows that he isn’t allowed to enter the bathroom. However, he sneaks a snout in anyway. He probably thinks that his owner can’t see him, but in actuality, she is 100% aware of his invasion of privacy.
37. Dogs Up Front
This pup is blatantly disregarding the dogs in the back seat only rule. However, his owner lets him get away with it. Just this once though. Next time he will have to be punished.
38. Downstairs Dog
This beautiful black lab knows he isn’t allowed upstairs, but he’s figured out a way to cheat the system. He simply sits on the top step in the stairwell and rests his head up there. Hopefully, no one trips on him!
39. My Own Couch
This owner’s dog kept violating the no dogs on the furniture rule. Finally, they came up with a better solution than trying to punish him. They bought him his own couch. Now, he happily sprawls out on it without a care in the world.
40. Leanin’
The dog isn’t allowed on the couch, so it leans instead. At the time of this photo, the pup had already been leaning like this for over five minutes. It’s not as comfortable as sitting on the couch, but it doesn’t break any rules, at least.
41. Up To No Good
This mischievous dog isn’t allowed to sit on any furniture in the home. Only one chair is permitted to be used by him. This is not that chair.
42. Not Actually Sitting
It’s true, almost half of these photos are different variations of dogs trying to sit on sofas they aren’t allowed on. However, that’s just because sitting on sofas is such a fun activity. For most dogs, it’s the center of their universe.
43. Chillin’
Yep, she is sitting on a couch she isn’t permitted to sit on. However, look how comfortable she is. She is so relaxed that she couldn’t care less about the rules right now.
44. Winning
“The dog who is not allowed on the rug is betting on my lack of resolve,” wrote the Twitter user. Then she clarified exactly what she meant… “Betting and winning.”
45. Compromising Position
Sitting on the couch violates the laws of the house. However, does this position count? We aren’t entirely sure, but according to the dog, it doesn’t.
46. Rule Clarification
She is pretty sure that she is following the no dogs on the chair rule. However, she’ll have to ask the owner for clarification. Do three legs count, or does it have to be four? This dog needs to know.
47. Cuddle Buddies
One good way to get some couch time in is by cuddling up next to your owner while they are sleeping. They might just let you stay there for a while as a reward for your love. That and the fact that they are too tired to care that you’re breaking the rules.
48. Kitchen Guard
The dog is not violating the no dogs in the kitchen rule. He is simply standing guard at the door making sure no one sneaks in to interrupt the cook. Of course, if you want to give him a taste of the meal as payment after, we’re sure he wouldn’t mind.
49. Deep Sleep
This pup figured that if he pretended like he was already asleep, his owners would let him be. He knows he’s not allowed on the couch, but who’s going to bother a sleeping dog? That would just be mean.
50. Slumber Party
Technically, they aren’t on the couch. Both of the dogs and the cat are passed out on top of their owner who is on the couch. He makes for a great bed to relax on.
51. Back Seat Blues
This dog does his best to squeeze his way into the front seat, but his owner and the other passenger in the car aren’t having it. They use the classic arm block move to prevent his daring attempt.
52. I’m Coming In
She knows she isn’t supposed to go in her mom’s bedroom, but she can’t help it. She patiently waits by the door looking for her opportunity to rush in and break the rules. In the meantime, she remains right at the edge.
53. Blanket Pillow
This guy loves sleeping on his owner’s bed. However, he is only allowed up there if he stays on his blanket. What about when the blanket is folded though? What is a dog to do?
54. Testing Limits
The puppy is not allowed on the desk. He hates the rules so he tests his owner to see what he can get away with. He places a few paws up there and then waits to see the reaction.
55. Hide And Seek
There is nothing that dogs hate more than taking medicine. This pup has gone as far as to hide under the bed in an attempt to avoid taking the pills that the vet prescribed. Unfortunately, her legs poking out from under the covers gave away her hiding place.
56. Lacking Strength
This little pup is named Hercules and the grin on his face has us cracking up. He isn’t allowed to get on the couch, but he still likes to plop his head up there anyway. If he was as strong as the real Hercules, he would never accept the annoying rule.
57. Pure Joy
See how happy this little pup is? It’s because in this household, there are no rules. None. She is allowed to run all over the place wherever she wants and no one will ever tell her no. It’s a dog’s dream life.
58. Yes Or No?
What do you think? Does this count as being on the furniture? The dog doesn’t think so, but the humans get the final say in the matter.
59. Caught In The Act
That’s a guilty face if we ever saw one. She thought that no one was going to pick up on the fact that her butt was on the sofa, but she got caught red-handed. Now she’ll have to deal with the consequences.
60. Dog Brain
She is well aware of the rule regarding sleeping on the couch. However, as long as two of her feet are still touching the ground, it’s okay. Her thought process provides a rare insight into the mind of a dog, and it’s pretty funny.
61. Check The Rule Book
Here we have another dog who knows about the feet on the ground exception to the sleeping on the couch rule. Doing things exactly by the books is just so boring. It’s more fun to push the limits of what is allowed.
62. Lap Dog
The human has dibs on this half of the sofa. The dog knows he is only allowed to sit on the other side. However, if he is partially on top of his owner, he isn’t technically touching it.
63. Don’t Tell The Pug
Do you notice anything odd about this photo? The dog is way too big for the bed (it’s because it’s the pug’s bed). She knows she isn’t allowed to use it, but doesn’t care.
64. Blatant Violation
This beautiful husky puppy knows the rules— no dogs on the couch. However, she is not okay with it. She is daring someone to try and make her move.
65. Downward Dog
Most dogs put their two back legs on the ground to avoid being “on the couch”. However, this creative fellow has taken a different approach. He used his two front legs instead. It makes him look like he’s doing yoga.
66. Not Begging
The two rule-breakers stand right by the dog cookie jar and pretend like they aren’t begging when they clearly are. They avoid eye contact with the owner so they don’t have to take responsibility for their actions.
67. Fluffy And Disobedient
Can you see the blanket in the background off to the side? That is where the dog is supposed to be. Otherwise, the fluffy pup gets hair all over the bed.
68. Sleeping On The Rug
He is an outside dog, but he is allowed in the house under one condition — he sits on his rug. The naughty dog has decided to bend the rules a little bit. Hopefully, his misbehavior doesn’t land him back in the dog house.
69. Kids Allow It
The parents don’t let the dog sit on the couch. The dog knows they can get away with more though when it’s just the kids at home. He sits on the kid while the kid sits on the couch.
70. Thinking Of Food
This is what not begging looks like. The dog is playing it cool over on the couch. Based on the dog’s gaze though, it’s still very apparent what is on her mind.
71. Playtime
This pup was really depressed that his owner didn’t have time to play fetch with him. He figured he would just sit there looking sad and upset until they gave in. When you’re a dog, playtime is all the time and waiting is not an option.
72. Don’t Worry, I’m On It
The owner told the dog to stay on her blanket. This is what staying on the blanket looks like. It’s a pretty loose interpretation of the rule.
73. Broken Fence
She has to remain in the yard at all times, but what she really wants to do is run around the neighborhood. This is her compromise. She fits her head through a hole in the fence so she can peer out the other side.
74. Chair Ownership
This majestic Great Dane has staked his claim in the living room. It’s his chair now. All the treats in the world aren’t going to change the pup’s mind. The humans are just going to have to get used to sitting on the floor now.
75. Best Of Both Worlds
No food on the couch! That is the rule. The dog is well aware, but the couch is so comfortable and the bone is so tasty. She does her best to eat it without letting it touch the cushions.
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