Car journeys can be a little hit and miss for dogs, and our furry friends are occasionally prone to getting travel sick just like us humans are. But amongst all of the dogs that hate car journeys, there are many who absolutely love them. We’re talking about the kind of dogs who spend every minute of the journey with their heads sticking out of the window, tongues lolling, truly living their lives to the fullest. To provide you with a much-needed boost of serotonin, here are 40 pictures of times where dogs enjoyed themselves so much in the car their owners had to take a photo.
1. What’s up, Dawg?
This is the coolest dog we ever did see, and with a whip like that, we wouldn’t want to mess with this tough guy. Has he just bent the wing mirror? Possibly. Does he care? Absolutely not.
2. “I’m freee!”
At first glance, we thought that this dog’s golden curls were actually just the man’s bouffant hairstyle, so we were kind of disappointed when we realized that the hairstyle is actually a dog. Still, this dog’s happy face makes up for it all. There’s nothing a dog loves more than feeling the wind in their fur.
3. Unhappy pup
There’s nothing worse than a pesky rain shower ruining a trip to the park. Why do humans have to be so dramatic? A bit of rain won’t hurt anybody. From the look on his face, this dog is clearly plotting something. We’d leave the lights on for the night if it were us.
4. Cozy dog hammock
Now, this is a content looking pupper, if we ever did see one. When it comes to car journeys, this dog is a model student, putting his brothers and sisters to shame. If that face doesn’t scream “I LOVE YOU!!!”, we don’t know what does.
5. Perfect napping spot
Now, this pup holder is a little more inconvenient, as this sleepy pup is covering some pretty important things that need to be seen when driving. Ah well, if we had a pup that cute, we’d let him do whatever he likes! So what if we’re late for work?
6. A car with a pup holder
Car rides are very exciting, and eventually, that excitement is going to take its toll on even the most hyperactive of puppers. Luckily, this car has been fitted with its very own pup holder, making it an ideal spot for over-excited puppies to take a nap. “Wake me up when it’s dinner time!”
7. “Surprise!”
According to the manual, this new model comes with a built-in AC, GPS, and DOG- and we’re now of the firm belief that everything should have a Husky Hole. This family found a way for their dog to still feel involved, despite being in the trunk! What a genius idea.
8. They see me rollin’
There’s something creepily human-like about the way this dog is sitting, and we don’t know which is weirder, the position of his legs or the expression on his face. If he could talk, we bet he’d be hitting on all the other lady dogs in the area. “You girls like my truck?”
9. A rare Ewok
We’ve been looking at this picture for five minutes straight now and we simply cannot stop laughing. As a result of all that fur getting blown in the wind, it’s impossible to tell if this dog is actually enjoying himself- but we’d hazard a guess and say that he is. Imagine driving past and seeing this pooch sticking his head out of the window?!
10. Road trippin’
When you have a long journey ahead of you and you offered to drive, these kinds of passengers really are the worst. Everyone knows that the person riding shotgun is meant to be in charge of snacks, music, and general entertainment- so when they inevitably fall asleep, it’s a huge letdown. We might be able to forgive this little guy for being so adorable though.
11. “Gee, I wasn’t prepared for this one!”
Believe it or not, despite the fact that this dog’s face looks on the verge of turning inside out, this little thrill-seeker is still wholly enjoying himself. In fact, If someone hadn’t told us what was in this pic, we would have thought that we were looking at a new species of monster- though a cute one at that. We’d absolutely love to take a car ride with this Chewbacca look-alike.
12. Truck driver
It’s been a long hard day on the job, and all that Carl wants to do is get back home to his steak and fries and watch his soccer match. But instead, he’s stuck in rush hour traffic that hasn’t moved for the past 10 minutes- and he’s just discovered that his pack of ciggies is empty. It’s a hard life.
13. Proper pupper
From the straight back to the dropped shoulders and the poised hands and feet, this dog looks as if he’s impersonating a classy British woman- and we think he’s doing a great job! ‘Beg your pardon? No tea? Oh, that’s quite alright.’ What a delightful young lady.
14. First car trip
Oh my goodness, we cannot handle this cuteness! After seeing this pic, our day just got ten times brighter and a hell of a lot cuter. We love that this sweet little pup is safely buckled in with a seat belt- though someone get her a booster seat so she can look out of the window!
15. “How dare you hooman?”
We all know that dogs love to be a part of things, and when this well-meaning owner decided to purchase a safety net to use when her dog was in the car with her, the poor spoiled pooch simply couldn’t understand why she’d imprisoned him like that. Just look at that little indignant face! “What is this sorcery keeping me in the back seat!?”
My sister got a net to keep the dog in the back seat but she does not accept
— scythe holder (@metal_crab) September 7, 2020
16. If I fits, I sits
This picture goes to show that puppies really will nap anywhere. This little puppy looks like a tiny teddy bear, and we refuse to accept that he’s actually real! Oh, what we’d give to be able to reach through our screens and cuddle him.
17. Dog or human?
When the dog is almost bigger than the driver, then there’s no doubt that they rule the car. Have you ever seen such a confrontational looking face on a dog before?
“Hey, care to explain why you just cut me off on the highway?”
18. A dog’s best friend
Apparently, the owner was doing some moving and forgot his dog’s first toy as a puppy was in the backseat – and he’s a bit excited about finding it. The first toys hold the sweetest memories, and we’re glad this big boy was reunited with his old toy. “OMG! I’m never gonna leave my bestest buddy behind ever again!”
19. “Wheeeee”
You know that feeling when it’s a glorious sunny day, the wind is in your hair and you’re minutes away from arriving at the dog park? This pup has never been happier than she is right now, and that big smile on her face shows it. This is pure joy!
20. “Don’t mind me, just taking a nap…”
This pooch has found an alternative way to lie in his bed, and he doesn’t understand why people are laughing at him. According to his owner, they got him a car seat so he could be more comfortable in the car- but we all know how stubborn our pets can be. This dog liked how things were before, and he doesn’t understand why they had to change.
21. Three’s a charm
What’s better than one happy pupper? Three, of course! Who knew that three little smiles, three little tongues and three pairs of big brown eyes would be enough to totally melt our hearts? We’ll take them all, please.
22. The dreaded net
Another dog, another net- though at least this guy seems to be handling things a little better. Though who knows, that little innocent face could be hiding a whole array of sins. “Hi there. totally did not poop in the backseat.”
23. Ultimate relaxation mode
We’re strangely reminded of our dad on our first day of family vacation when we look at this picture. “Just take in a deep breath of that sea breeze, it’s good for you, kids.” Aah, the look of contentment.
24. “Umm… we have a bit of a situation.”
According to the owner, it wasn’t until she arrived at her destination, that she turned to find her dog in this exact situation. Any pet owner knows that animals can be suspiciously quiet when they’re up to no good. Well, they do say that a snack or two helps with travel sickness.
25. “I’m gonna barf!”
Anyone who owns a dog will tell you that it’s kind of like looking after an overgrown, fur-covered child, and sometimes that comes with its difficulties. “Why is this taking so long? I’m bored. When are we going to get there? I have to pee!” The one bonus is that dogs can’t talk- but sometimes (in the case of toileting and travel sickness) it’s better to have a warning.
26. Streamlined dog
Is it just us, or does this dog slightly resemble a perfectly sharpened pencil? Just look at that fur majestically flowing in the breeze. Why is it that when we hang our head out of the window, our hair blows in every direction- but when dogs do it, they’re perfectly streamlined?
27. Pizza time
This dog’s expression would be exactly the same as ours if we knew that there was pizza on the way. And of course, protecting the pizza is a very important job. “OOOO, DO I GET SOME TOO?! I’ve been a REALLY SUPER GOOD BOY.”
28. “Hey beautiful. Can I offer you a ride?”
Is that… is that dog wearing goggles? We wish we knew the story behind this picture. Someone give us an explanation!
29. “Hangin’ out the passenger side of my best friend’s ride…”
Have you ever seen such a cool looking passenger? This dog steals the show, and his owner totally knows it! Those adorable ginger eyebrows are just the cherry on top.
30. FlappityFlappityFlappity…
We’ve heard of people loving the feeling of the wind in their hair, but not so much the jowls… But when it comes to dogs, literally anything will make them happy. Now that would be a funny sight to passers by.
31. Just one last hug
We don’t know anything about the backstory to this photo, but it makes us feel strangely emotional to look at. Maybe the girl was off to college, or perhaps she’d been away on vacation. Of course, it’s just as likely that she was hugging her pupper before a quick trip to the grocery store. Either way, it pulls on the heartstrings!
32. Say cheese!
Despite the fact that he’s fast asleep, this clever doggo still seems to be managing to crack a smile. An expression of such contentment and bliss would be tricky for any human to try to replicate. It’s truly from the heart, and a dog’s heart is purest of them all.
33. Workout buddies
Going for a walk is all fun and games until your human turns your trip out into a workout session. We think this dog might actually be broken, but he still manages to enjoy himself at the same time. We wonder how many miles they’ve managed to achieve since this cute snap?
34. “One of my dogs farted, I looked back in time to see this”
Judging by the pretty convincing, “eww” expression coming from the big brother, and the look of shame on little brother’s face, we think we’re pretty confident who’s to blame here. Though of course, an older brother might just have perfected his acting skills over the years. “Nancy, you totally let one. Just own it and OPEN A WINDOW for god’s sake.”
35. “Are we there yet?”
We’ve been staring at this picture for quite some time, and we’ve yet to work out whether this dog is actually enjoying himself or not. His facial expression may be smiling, but it has somewhat of a manic energy about it. Did someone leave the red bulls lying around again?
36. Happy chappy
This dog is so happy that he’s kind of bordering on the demonized llama look, and the wind certainly isn’t helping with the overall look. Still, if we were driving past this excitable pupper when we were out on the road, we’re pretty sure that it would make our day. Just so long as he’s strapped in back there!
37. That tongue
And the award for the longest tongue goes to?… This dog right here! That tongue seems to stretch on for miles, and we’re bet the owner is pretty glad that she’s riding shotgun, and not the dog. Imagine that thing catching you round the face?!
38. Ready for takeoff
The only thing better than a window for a dog to stick his head out of is an oversized sunroof! Who knew that dogs had so much extra skin around their mouths? This is one of the most hilarious car faces we’ve seen by far.
39. Perfect napping spot
You know when you’re on a plane or a coach, and you’re trying in vain to find comfortable sleeping positions? We’re pretty sure that we’ve pulled this smoosh face before a couple of times. Who knows? It could actually be quite comfortable.
40. Nap time
Who knew that dogs had such a thing for pressing their faces up against nets? This clever boy seems to be using the net as a self-made hammock, and in a weird way, it actually looks pretty cozy. No one slam the breaks on too quickly!
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