Get ready to meet an Alaskan Malamute named Kodi, and he loves ice cream — like, a lot. He loves it so much that he has an entire routine for when the ice cream man comes rolling down the street in his musical, treat-filled truck.
Just like a little kid, Kodi absolutely freaks out when he hears the ice cream truck coming toward his house. His mom filmed the entire thing.
Kodi and his owner are relaxing in the front yard; the beautiful Malamute is lying down on the green grass. It looks like one of those summer evenings that stay late until 9 pm. His mom begins to zoom in on Kodi’s face — it seems like he is focusing on something.

Mom zooms back out, and you can hear her say, “uh-oh” — and Kodi knows exactly what that means. He instantly perks up and sits at attention. His tail starts to wag, and his tongue flops out of his mouth with anticipation.
The camera turns and you can see a small truck off in the distance — faint music is playing in the background. Kodi starts to freak.
“His favorite customer is waiting,” says Kodi’s owner. Apparently, the ice cream man named Sergio is very familiar with this adorable dog and this precious routine. Sergio is driving slowly down the street, while Kodi waits patiently, but eagerly, on his lawn.

Kodi can’t contain his excitement for his upcoming treat and starts howling out of happiness. His inner wolf is on full display. Louder and louder howls come from the excited dog.
All of the sudden — Kodi is heard saying “ice cream!” His owner stops and says, “what?!”
She could have sworn her dog just said ice cream right before bolting off to greet Sergio with an excited ‘hello.’ If you listen carefully, you can definitely hear it too. Regardless of the random moment of speech, Kodi darts toward the ice cream truck.

The adorable dog hops up onto the truck, almost as if he’s looking at the menu. Kodi’s mom asks Sergio if it’s going to be an ice cream cone or a sandwich today. Sergio informs her that the ice cream is still hard, “like yesterday,” so it was going to be a sandwich.
It’s obvious that this is a daily, adorable routine between these two and it’s absolutely adorable.
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