We’ve all heard it said — dogs are man’s best friend. And those of us who’ve owned dogs can attest to that fact. It’s difficult to explain what it is about canine love that makes it so special. But the one thing we do know is they’re unconditionally faithful. Dogs love us exactly where we are in life. From the moment they join our family, they’re willing to do anything for us.

So, it’s no wonder we love doing things to ensure we always remember our faithful, furry friends. Some people hang pictures of their dog around their house. Others keep a lock of their fur or a favorite toy. But now, a new, more permanent trend has caught the internet by storm: dog pawprint tattoos.

Let’s be clear — not everyone gets them to remember dogs that have passed away. Plenty of pet owners choose tattoos while their pets are still alive and well. Regardless, they love those animals so much they want to let the world know. It’s a small way to tell a beloved friend “thank you” for their love, friendship, and loyalty.

Here are 75 of the best dog pawprint tattoos the internet has ever seen.