Dog Overflows With Joy At Soldier Mom’s Return
I don't know if there's a word appropriate enough to describe this pup's level of joy. <3
Eduardo Gaskell

Having a loved one enlist in the military and have them deployed overseas is not easy. There are lots of missed moments – from special celebrations to simple, daily interactions. Then there’s that nagging fear of something terrible happening to them (hope not) overseas. Even the family dog finds it hard!


But rest assured that whenever a soldier comes home, it’s a cause for celebration. And no one is happier to see them back than their dog.

Pixabay/Lenka Novotná
Pixabay/Lenka Novotná

Janna Berger missed her pooch Murphy terribly while she was away during her training. Fortunately, he was able to stay with her parents during those months.


Berger explained to The Dodo:

“I thought about Murphy every day. Being away from him was the hardest thing I’ve ever had to do.”

After Berger first left, she learned that Murphy would wait outside her bedroom door every day (likely hoping Berger would return).

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The day finally arrived for Berger and Murphy’s reunion.

erger is outside of her family’s home in uniform while the camera is rolling in the background. She calls for Murphy and he comes running out the door. He gets close to his mom, but then stops and runs towards the other direction. It’s as if he doesn’t recognize her!

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Berger and her dad call Murphy’s name hoping he’ll come back and they can try again.

The dog returns and begins to approach his owner, but the moment she takes her hat off he starts barking. Murphy seemed nervous and confused even though the hat’s already off for recognition purposes.

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Then the most beautiful thing happens…

Murphy slowly inches closer to Berger as she keeps reassuring him, “It’s me!” Finally, he reaches her lap and she’s able to give him a big hug. He sniffs, looks at her closely, feels her embrace and… Eureka! It’s mom!

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Murphy goes nuts realizing that his owner is back and the reaction is priceless.

The dog stars jumping wildly on Berger unable to control his excitement. It’s the cutest thing in the world! You can tell that she’s just as thrilled to be reunited with her pet too, who she loves with all her heart. These are moments so priceless and precious that we can never get enough of.

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Berger later told The Dodo:

“I had no idea Murphy would react the way he did! When he didn’t recognize me at first, I was so heartbroken. The happiest moment of my life was when he finally figured out it was me.”

Now that her training is over, Berger is planning on sharing a new home with her four-legged buddy, Murphy (who she’s owned for more than three years).

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Military homecoming videos are so touching. They sacrifice so much that whenever they come home, it’s like the holidays. Even if it’s not your family member, you can still feel the flood of emotions through the screen. They really are heroes.

This is one of those unforgettable reunions you don’t want to miss! Press play below to see Murphy’s priceless reaction to his mom being home!

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