Mischievous dog fakes injury but dad outwits him with hilarious move
This had me laughing out loud. 😂
Jake Manning

We’ve all been there—pretending to be sick to avoid going to school, dodging a family gathering, or even faking an injury to escape being picked for a team.

It’s something we’ve all done at least once, right?

It turns out, our four-legged friends might be a bit more like us than we realized.


Meet Harry, a clever dog who knows exactly how to tug at his human’s heartstrings.

One day, Harry’s owner was looking for him when, to their surprise, they saw Harry limping toward them.

He was holding his front right paw off the ground, doing his best impression of a dog in distress.

Poor Harry! With that sad, injured look, how could anyone refuse him some extra attention?


But Harry had a trick up his “paw.”

As soon as his owner mentioned that maybe he couldn’t go for a walk because of his “injured” leg, Harry took matters into his own paws.

He trotted over to the couch, grabbed his leash, and just like that—Harry was miraculously cured!

Suddenly, he was walking on all fours as if nothing had happened.


This quick recovery raised an eyebrow or two.

How could a dog who was just limping be walking normally now?

Well, it turns out that dogs, like Harry, have been known to play these little games.

Sometimes, it’s all about getting the attention they crave.


Dogs are smart creatures, and they can quickly learn how to manipulate their humans.

Perhaps Harry once hurt his paw while out on a walk, maybe stepping on a sharp rock.

Naturally, his human rushed to his side, showering him with care and affection.

The love and attention Harry received in that moment were more than enough for him to remember that being “hurt” could mean some extra special treatment.


This kind of behavior isn’t unique to Harry.

Other dog owners have shared their own stories of canine trickery.

One viewer, Obey Ariana, shared,

“Omg I remember my dog did this. She had us fooled for 3 whole days, we were so worried about her. Until we started saying ‘maybe we should take her to the vet.’ As soon as she heard that, she started walking completely fine.”


Another viewer, Bernard Keenan, shared their story too.

“I had a dog named Bridgette that had a broken leg as a pup that she fully recovered from. But for the rest of her life if she was in trouble and being scolded, she would raise that paw and limp around looking for sympathy. They are like children, masters of manipulation.”


Harry’s antics show how intelligent and perceptive dogs can be.

With their expressive eyes and clever tricks, it’s no wonder they have us wrapped around their paws.

And really, who can resist a face like Harry’s, especially when he’s being such a “good” boy?


Harry’s clever act has entertained not just his owner, but millions of people around the world.

As of now, Harry’s video has over 14 million views, making countless people smile at his playful deception.

So, the next time your furry friend gives you those puppy dog eyes or seems to be “injured,” you might want to take a second look – they might just be pulling a Harry on you.

Watch the video below to see him hilariously try and fool his owner!

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