Mom Finds Lost Necklace Through Facebook
This Mom received the necklace as a gift from her late teen daughter who tragically passed away from Hodgkin's Lymphoma. It meant a lot to Mom, so she had to get it back
Alexandrea Becker

Imagine that heart dropping feeling you get when you realize you’ve lost a piece of jewelry. The devastation is always due to more than misplacing an object. With jewelry comes sentimental meanings and memories with loved ones. It’s always so much more than just losing a piece of jewelry.

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That’s why this woman was heartbroken the moment she learned that she lost her necklace.

Vicky Pyne was visiting New York City for the first time. She was enjoying the city until she realized that she had lost her necklace that was a gift from her daughter, Alice.

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Alice had given her the necklace back in 2014 after designing it herself. It consisted of two hearts inscribed with her and her sister’s name. Their thumbprints were also inscribed on the hearts.

“I never take that necklace off,” Pyne told Inside Edition, “I sleep in it.”

Her attachment to the necklace makes sense since Alice has passed away since gifting the thoughtful necklace to her mother. At only 17, she lost her battle to Hodgkin’s Lymphoma. For Pyne, the necklace was much more than a piece of jewelry. It was a token of the memory of her late daughter.

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It’s hard to imagine the devastation Pyne must have felt as she retraced her steps and scoured the sidewalks to no avail. She had no choice but to return to her home in England, heartbroken without her special necklace.

At that point, many people would give up hope of ever being reunited with their lost treasures, but Pyne took to Facebook for one last attempt at being reunited with her necklace.

And that’s when a miracle happened.

Just two hours after Pyne gave up her search on the sidewalks of Manhattan, a local man found the necklace.

Freddy Ortiz was on a walk with his family when he saw the necklace. Noticing how special it was, he brought it home with him. Out of another stroke of pure luck, he saw on Facebook that a friend had shared Pyne’s post. He and his wife immediately emailed Pyne with the fantastic news.

Watching Pyne meet the Ortiz family is absolutely heartwarming. You can’t help but get choked up right along with her as her little piece of Alice is returned. The whole situation truly was a miracle.

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[Source:Inside Edition]
