Couple Appears To Float On Floor With Soul Stirring Dance
I was hooked from the moment he grabbed her hand.
Eduardo Gaskell

Welcome to Budapest. It is the capital of Hungary and the ninth largest city in the European Union.

Known for its affinity for the arts like music, film, dance, and visual art, the city allocates funds for the arts as it draws people in for opportunities.

As this city is known for its love of the arts, there exists an event called Budafest. 40 years young and dedicated to everything related to the arts, it has grown through its own success and carries with it the spirit of the nation.


Hungarian Parliament is itself a piece of beautiful art.

It is an event where people express themselves through their own choice of art.

For Jakub Jakoubek and Emeline Rochefeuille it was dance. More specifically the West Coast Swing.

This partner dance is characterized by an elastic look resulting from extension-compression techniques of partner connection which allows them to improvise while dancing together.

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Jakub and Emeline take the floor.

Prepare to be stunned by the fluid movements of these two. They dance to music that perfectly matches their style and movements.

A laid back rhythmic mix of guitars and beats called “Ocean” by John Butler. Excellent choice.

Jakuband Em/Facebook
Jakuband Em/Facebook

Quite a good looking pair.

They move together across the floor seemingly floating and weightless. There is so much flare and yet without sacrificing grace and poise. It’s really enchanting to watch.

Countless spins and twists are paired with slow, sensual accentuation of limbs. The moves are as dazzling to watch as the music is lovely to listen to.

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Jakub and Em dance like something from a fairy tale.

There seem to be hints of ballet as well and it is very impressive to see both the man and woman so slender yet sharp on their feet. You can hear the gasps and the exclamations of amazement and wonder from the audience. Can you blame them?

There’s not even a single sound of their feet on the floor. It’s like their dancing on clouds, just floating along to the melody.

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They only wish they could move like these two

There must be something truly magical in the air in Budapest. It cannot be possible for t.wo human beings to move this way. And yet they do and they can.

Jakub and Em have a following. They have their own fans and for good reason. Their style is uniquely their own and is just a delight to behold.

It is very clear that they love what they do too!

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They don’t seem to have any weight on those shoes

Their chemistry is undeniable. The way they look at each other and smile to the way they hold one another, you can sense the familiarity they have for each other.

Even the audience don’t shy away from showering them with love! These two are gorgeous to look at.


That undeniable spark.

These two embody the spirit of the festival. They end their dance with thunderous applause from the audience and they embrace. A soft, loving embrace that perfectly suits their amazing dance.

They smile towards the crowd and take center stage once more, giving a few bows and just soaking it all in.

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You can bet they’ll be back next year

Listen to that applause!

Another bow, more smiles, and a hug once more as Jakub and Em celebrate with their fans. Phenomenal.

Watch below and watch in wonder as they glide across the room.

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Source: YouTube, Facebook, Budapest
