Dance duo delivers steamy routine that will go down in ballroom history
Not only are they talented, but also they make it look easy.
Ma Fatima Garcia

When you dance, your purpose is not to get to a certain place on the floor. It’s to enjoy each step along the way. – Wayne Dyer

A performance that wowed many especially on social media was actually uploaded way back 2008. Yes, it has been so many years yet this performance has remained in the hearts of many.

This beautiful pair is seen dancing to the tune of “Five Long Years” by Buddy Guy. This song itself is already sexy – anyone would even feel and apprecaite the passion of the song.

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Now, dancers Jason Colacino and his gorgeous partner Katie Boyle have given this song a whole new meaning. Their dance routine is more than just sexy, it’s passionate and steamy but definitely beautiful!

You can clearly see how good these two are. From their moves, their eye contact, their body language and how they were able to synchronize with each other’s moves and the song itself.

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The passionate dance

Not all songs can portray a sexy choreography, not all dance routines can look sexy, steamy, yet sophisticated. The eye contact, the gentle movements, and how they “feel” the music takes this performance into a whole new level.

No fancy clothing and no props – the dancers wanted the audience to see that a dance can be sexy, beautiful, and top class. No wonder this couple has already made a name for themselves in the industry of dancing.

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Their movements were amazing; you’d even find it hard to find the right words to express how beautiful this dance is. For some, it’s the “perfect” interpretation of the song and that these two dancers seem to be light as air. Oh, did we mention how intense their chemistry is?

The video has more than a million views today and is still getting so many comments about how this classic and sophisticated dance is so beautiful.

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The graceful dancers

The dancers in this viral dance video are none other than Jason Colacino and his longtime partner Katie Boyle. In fact, they are one of the best and most respected and most loved dancers all over the globe!

Jason Colacino was born on August 20, 1977, in San Leandro, CA. Even at his young age, he was already respected and admired by many.

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He is a master in popular dances such as Salsa, Argentine Tango, Jazz, Swing, and Ballet and of course Ballroom dancing.

On the other hand, the beautiful Katie Boyle is also as talented and today, she’s one of the best and most popular dance instructors of ballroom dancing!

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In loving memory of Jason Colacino

Unfortunately, Jason Colacino passed away due to pneumonia and cardiac arrest last August of 2009. He was only 31 at that time and had left many of his beloved fans heartbroken.

It was all too sudden, all his legacy, all his talent and passion disappeared with him.

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Jason Colacino’s talent and passion for dancing such as this one will absolutely remain in the hearts of many and of course in the world of dance.

A dedicated Facebook page has been created in the memory of this amazing dancer.

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