The power of smell

Our sense of smell or also known as the Olfactory system can affect almost everything about us. According to Hi-Rise Services, this system is “located in the same part of our brain that effects emotions, memory, and creativity.”
This is probably the reason why smell seems so powerful.
What’s your favorite scent?
Some would probably answer their favorite perfume, but for most moms, it’s probably the smell of their babies.

Well, it’s something that can’t be denied. The smell of babies is addictive. It feels great that even other people would ask the parents if they could smell their little ones especially newborns.
Some believe that their addictive smell is because of the vernix caseosa. It’s the waxy and white-ish substance that’s covering the newborn’s skin and it’s beneficial. Though it’s being removed right after the birth, some of it remains in the baby’s skin which is also the cause of the babies’ loveable scent.

Many parents surely love to smell their kids but for the babies, it’s a question if they love being sniffed.
The hilarious video below will give us an idea of how babies would react whenever their parents sniff them.
And it looks like the baby wasn’t enjoying it.

It can be seen that the daddy was enjoying smelling his kid’s head but the little one reacted immediately. Every time dad gives him a sniff, he turns around to look at him. It’s like he’s telling him to stop it! It’s just too adorable!

You would really see the disapproval on his face. If he could just talk, he probably told him that he wasn’t into it.
It seems like the adorable kid was giving his dad a chance.

Whenever the kid turns his back on his dad, it’s like he was trying to shrug it off. But since his dad was doing it over again, he couldn’t just ignore it.
His dad was pretending to be clueless and even told his son to mind his business!
“What? Jeez… nosy, bro. Mind your business,” he jokingly said.

Who was the real winner?

Clearly, it’s the dad because, in the latter part of the video, he was still smelling the baby’s head. Well, we can’t blame him, right?
The video was also flooded by comments from viewers who enjoyed their funny video!
One commenter said, “Omg! That baby is an old soul. He looks just like his daddy. They will never get anything past him. Smart cutie pie!”
There is also one parent who commented and expressed how she misses her child’s “new baby smell”.
“That is one thing I miss about my child not being a baby anymore, that “new baby smell”. It’s hard to describe, but it’s a memory I will always remember.”
The video undoubtedly entertained lots of people. In fact, it has been viewed over 30,000 times on YouTube! It’s clearly a hit and surely, many people would love to see it too!
Watch the video below to see the baby’s hilarious reaction!
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