Baby talk is a precious thing. When a child is first born, this baby will be completely mesmerized by the world around them. Every little thing will become interesting. But one of the things that hold a child’s attention most is hearing the voices of his or her parents.

When babies hear their parents’ voices, they automatically react. It is as if they want to be able to communicate right from the very start. They will even begin to mutter different sounds – seemingly trying to figure out our language.
When this dad started spending time with his newborn, he became obsessed with wanting his child to talk. When this baby finally mumbled something almost intelligible, the dad totally flipped out!

Jenson is a three month old baby who had not yet uttered his first words. His dad was determined to change that. As he sat with him one day, he decided to test out the power of repetition.
“Hello,” Jenson’s dad repeated over and over to him. The man was hoping that the sound would stick, and that the would be able to hear his baby speak for the first time.
At first, baby Jenson just seemed to shout whenever his father spoke. It didn’t seem like he really understood him. Perhaps in his mind the young boy was playing some sort of game where the two had to trade turns making strange noises.

Slowly, however, it became clear that Jenson’s dad did have his attention. The baby began to use two different tones when giving his retort. He shifted his shout from a higher tone to a slightly lower one, mimicking the sound patterns of his father’s “hello.”
Finally, something happened. Jenson’s dad was convinced that he had just heard his son say “hello” for the first time. Of course, it is baby speak, so the response was not completely distinctive as a word. Or was it?
“Get out! That’s got to be a fluke!” Jenson’s dad exclaimed when he heard the sound. This dad was definitely excited about his son’s growing control over his vocal chords.

Parents see their children develop from a tiny cluster of cells into a complete human being, so of course they are proud of their babies’ accomplishments. It is up to us to decide if Jenson had truly accomplished this incredible feat, or if his dad was prematurely proud of his boy.
Did Jenson really say hello? Watch the video yourself to find out.
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