Dad hits ‘snooze’ in bed. When he’s jolted awake by loud sound in bathroom he knows it was God
"I actually stood up to start getting ready for work but decided to let the snooze go off one more time. Laid back down and this happened just minutes afterwards."
Valerie Ablang

Life has a unique way of teaching us.

Raymond Bowling experienced how God unexpectedly made him feel that He is always at work.

Bowling had his alarm set at 5:30 a.m. every day.

However, due to unexpected instances, he decided to hit the snooze button.

Pexels - Acharaporn Kamornboonyarush
Pexels - Acharaporn Kamornboonyarush

This behavior is not normal for him since he is a creature of habit.

The bad weather kept him up and prevented him from having a good night’s sleep.

A total of 24 tornadoes were reported in Austin, Indiana, the night before the incident.

The weather resulted in heavy winds, keeping Raymond awake all night.

Pexels - Andrea Piacquadio
Pexels - Andrea Piacquadio

This is why it became difficult for him to wake up on time.

Hence, missing his usual routine before heading out to work.

Hoping to catch some extra hours of sleep, he suddenly bolted to wake upon hearing a loud crash.

He decided to investigate what could make such noise in the wee hours of the morning.

Pexels - Ekaterina Bolovtsova
Pexels - Ekaterina Bolovtsova

Bowling stood up and walked around the house and was stunned to discover what he saw upon turning the bathroom lights on.

A large tree limb fell over his home and pierced his bathroom ceiling!

The Indiana native could not believe what he saw and its impact on his house.

Pexels - Helena Lopes
Pexels - Helena Lopes

The limb came from the 40-foot oak tree that stood beside their home.

Raymond knew his decision to sleep in and hit the snooze button was not an accident.

“If I had got up at that second, didn’t hit snooze, and went to the bathroom, I would have been standing right in that spot brushing my teeth. It was like divine intervention,” Bowling recalls.

He believes that it was God preventing him from possible harm.

Pexels - Kemi Taiwo
Pexels - Kemi Taiwo

“I actually stood up to start getting ready for work but decided to let the snooze go off one more time. Laid back down, and this happened just minutes afterwards. Good Lord was looking out for me for sure.” said Raymond.

Was it an act of nature or mere coincidence?

Bowling shared the photo captured on his social media account.

The caption says, “What I’m dealing with this morning… I actually stood up to start getting ready for work but decided to let the snooze go off one more time. Laid back down and this happened just minutes afterwards. Good Lord was looking out for me for sure…” and even included the hashtag – #savedbythesnooze.

The post caught the attention of most people on the internet.

One of the comments says, “You’ll always hit the snooze from now on I guarantee…lol..I’m amazed at this, God’s timing is grand…lol.”

Pexels - Erik Mclean
Pexels - Erik Mclean

“Prayers. Glad you and your family are safe. The good Lord was looking out for you.” says another one.

Whatever it is, he is beyond thankful that they are safe, after all.

Raymond could not express how grateful he is that his family escaped the accident that could have happened.

Pexels - Cottonbro Studio
Pexels - Cottonbro Studio

The branch was already removed, and their roof was already repaired by their contractor a few days after what happened.

See the original post below.

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