Do you remember words you mispronounced as a kid? It’s often a fun thing to remember and compare with friends. They’re the most random little memories but for some reason they can really stick with you!
I remember I always said my cousin’s name, Krista, wrong by saying “Tista” instead. Or “gahgoya” instead of “gargoyle.” (A weird one I know, but there was a show in my childhood about gargoyles, okay?)
In this case, this little girl’s dad shared a video on YouTube of his daughter struggling a bit to say “popsicle” just right
and it’s adorable.

Throughout the video, the little girl is stumbling around, as toddlers do, and eating her popsicle. Like for most kids, it is clearly a treasured possession of sweet, sugary goodness! Her dad is asking her what she has when she tells him:
This is when a game of back and forth starts.

Without even really prompting her, her dad just says “pop” and she follows along. Clever girl! “Pop!”
It’s astounding how much kids can pick up from context and tone of voice! He didn’t have to say anything specific to get her to follow along, he simply had to say it in a specific, leading kind of way. Toddler brains are so fascinating!
“Sickle,” he says, and she continues to follow suit. “Sickle!”

You can see where this is going.
Sure that his daughter has it now, he proceeds with the final phase of his plan. Afterall, she was able to say both “pop” and “sickle” separately, right?
“Popsicle,” he states, an open invite for her to follow and say what he himself has said…
A good effort, dad.

She has a good laugh that follows every time, so part of me believes she knows exactly what she’s doing. That or dad is laughing behind the camera and that’s making her laugh!
Only he knows the truth.
They continue this game for a while, this constant back and forth, linguistic training so that she can one day confidently say “Popsicle!”
It’s honestly a really charming exchange somehow, the dad just keeps trying and the little girl is such a good sport about it!

She even gets it right eventually! But dad pushes his luck and says popsicle again.
“Pocsiple!” she responds. So close, dad, so close.
It reminds me a little too much of that skit from Friends with Phoebe:

Man, what a classic.
Kids mispronouncing popsicle has happened before, and there’s even a particularly funny baby on TikTok who takes it to the next level.
He doesn’t mispronounce it in any kind of close way like pocsiple or pospiple or anything like that. (In his defense he is very little!)
No, instead, him saying popsicle somes out as “F**k a bus!”

How that disconnect happens or how any of those sounds replace each other I couldn’t even begin to tell you, but then again I am not a toddler so maybe they understand something I don’t?
Either way, we’re just happy it happened!
These videos are just hilarious, this one with the little girl is especially adorable! Seriously worth a watch, and you can check it out at the link below!
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