Boy Dresses Up As Dad For Halloween
What do you think of this boy's costume?
Ryan Aliapoulios

Halloween is a time to show out with your best costumes.

Although the holiday takes on a certain humorous aspect as we get older, the decision of what to dress up as when you’re a kid takes on enormous importance. There are typically two ways these costumes go when we’re young: either we try to be as scary as possible or we go as someone we idolize. For the first one, you’re probably going to see a lot of ghosts, vampires and the like. For the latter, maybe you’d see Batman or Wonder Woman.

But one little boy chose a particularly adorable and unusual costume instead.

It started before Halloween when one little boy couldn’t decide what he wanted to be.

Though he went with his mom to several Halloween stores, he left empty-handed repeatedly because he couldn’t find a costume he identified with. Towards the end of the search, everyone was getting tired and mom had a suggestion of her own. After everything, she asked her son who his favorite hero was—maybe he could dress up that way?

After hearing his mom’s suggestion, the little boy’s eyes lit up with his answer: “my Dad!”

Though nobody would know who the boy was, he didn’t care—and mom couldn’t have been more proud.

She explained the entire thing in a long Imgur post detailing how it all happened:

“No one knew what my son was for Halloween and he didn’t care . . . His dad works long hours and rarely gets a day off. He’s not a lawyer or a doctor, as I’m sure you can tell already. He runs a kitchen in a restaurant and comes home greasy, stinky, and exhausted every night. He works really hard to take care of his family.

But he’s damn proud of his son, and it was obvious when my son rang every door bell and shouted “TRICK OR TREAT – I’M MY DAD!” to strangers all night that he’s really proud of his dad too.”

Above all, this story is an adorable example of the love of a son’s love for his dad.

Although society says that certain careers or goals are more admirable than others, sons ultimately have no greater heroes than their dads. This little boy decided to show his dad just how special he really was. And if we do say so ourselves, he really nailed this costume!

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