Parenthood is hard. Crying babies. Late sleepless nights. And diapers. Lots of poopy, stinky diapers. No one ever claimed that parenthood was glamorous, and one dad has proved that to the entire internet.
It’s one dad’s turn to watch the baby while mom is out and about. Dad notices that baby has a full, smelly diaper and needs a change. Thankfully, for our entertainment — he filmed the entire process.
Dad casually and gently starts to remove his baby’s stinky diaper, at first — so far, so good. But then the smell hits him.

As soon as dad gets a whiff of that baby poo, he starts to lose it. It becomes very apparent that he has a very sensitive gag reflex. Every few seconds, he’s able to pull it together and continue to clean his baby.
It’s not long before the visual image of his child’s dirty diaper is too much for him to handle as well. The poor guy is trying his best not to regurgitate.
Hilariously, the dad continues to change the baby’s diaper while attempting to keep his food in his stomach.

A minute or so into the diaper change, dad has a near-vomit experience. He needs to lean over his oblivious baby to get rid of some saliva. It’s hard not to be in stitches while watching the video at this point.
The deep breaths and sounds of agony are enough to have you cracking up laughing. It’s hard not to laugh while watching this funny dad struggle so hard with a simple parenting task.
Viewers of the video on YouTube can’t seem to hold it together either judging by their comments.
Others think the dad is a bit of a wimp!
One of the highlights of this hilarious moment between dad and baby is his quote that really sums up his time with his child, “we have the best fun.” The baby adorably and calmly lies on the table the entire time.
What a hysterical moment; I’m sure mom got a kick out of this when she watched it for the first time. Although, it’s safe to say that she’s with the “he’s wimpy” side of the YouTube crowd.
Thanks for sharing this “touching” moment with the world, dad! I think many dads out there can relate.
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