Custodian Helps Homeless Teens With Her “Other” Closet
She took matters into her own hands.
Jack Bradley

A true hero straps on her boots and champions an issue that is affecting her community. She steps up when she didn’t have to. She leads when no one else will. She finds innovative ways to help and she goes above and beyond her position to help those in need. Carolyn Collins is that true hero.

This high school custodian turned a storage space into a supply closet for homeless school kids.

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Meet Carolyn Collins – A Hero

More than just the custodian at Tucker High School outside of Atlanta, Georgia, Carolyn Collins is an advocate and front line worker helping homeless families in America.

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Finding A Way To Help

One morning Collins was opening up the school when two students asked to be let in early. They told her they were living in their family car and needed to get cleaned up in the school restroom.

Collins new what to do. She was called to help in a way that no one thought possible. When this hero was faced with a challenge, she acted and moved to change the world.

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On her drive home from work that day, Collins made a trip to the dollar store. She purchased blankets, food, clothes, school supplies, and anything that she thought would help a child in need. Then she asked the principal if she could repurpose an old storage closet.

The giving closet was born.

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One Terrible Phone Call

Collins is driven to help the kids in her school in part because of the loss of her own son. Collins’ son’s life was taken in a home invasion while visiting friends. She explains to the Washington Post how her giving closet helps kids stay out of trouble when their basic needs are met.

“I want to give kids what they need so that nobody has to go out and steal from anyone. I don’t want any other parent to have to go through what I did and lose a child at a young age for no reason.”

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Crying Out For Help

“They are homeless and crying out for help and love. And I’m trying to give them all they need with his closet, so you don’t have to go out and try to steal or take from no one.”

Collins and teachers are on the lookout for students who need that help. The principle of her school stated that of the 1,800 students anywhere from ten to fifteen are homeless.
Muhammadtaha Ibrahim Ma'aji from Pexels
Muhammadtaha Ibrahim Ma'aji from Pexels

Homeless in America

Despite making up around 15% of the population, African American’s make up over 50% of the Homeless in the United States, according to the Homeless Assessment Report to Congress.

A Disturbing Wealth Gap


Thomas Shapiro, professor of law and social policy at Brandeis University recently expressed

“The median average white family in the U.S. has approximately $171,000 in net wealth, while the median African American family has approximately $17,000.”

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Youtubers are inspired by this story.

“Ms Carolyn you are an angel for the kids who are homeless!!?? Thank you for what you do and we need more people like you in this world!!!!”

“And thats the difference between diamond and rock. You cannot break diamond under pressure, it shines even brighter, but rock cracks and turn into mud. Shine on beautiful lady.”

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Her story can raise your spirits and hopefully activate you to find ways you can help end homelessness in one of the richest nations in the world.

Take a look at Carolyn Collins’s story and see what a true hero does in the face of struggle.

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