Everyone can use some life hacks. It becomes so difficult sometimes that we are always looking for unconventional ways to solve things. Let me emphasize the part that hacks are supposed to give solutions and not the other way around.
However, there are still so-called life hacks that does not help at all. If I may be blunt, they don’t make any sense at all!
Curious? Read on to find 46 of the weirdest and most useless life hacks you’ll ever see.
#1 Moonwalk away from awkward and uncomfortable situations so people think you are walking towards them while you escape.
You are not fooling anyone with this one. All this will do is make your next meeting even more awkward than it already is.
#2 Save the time you’d spend brushing your teeth and eating breakfast by spreading toothpaste on your bread.
Toothpaste is not meant to be swallowed. Doing so will cause an upset stomach and won’t exactly clean teeth properly.
#3 Are you having a bad day? Grab some sunglasses, and you’ll have a lousy evening instead.
Is your problem solved? I’m pretty your concern wasn’t the time of day, right?
#4 Plant hot dog seeds and harvest hot dogs just in time for your summer backyard BBQ.
That’s not how hot dogs work. “Hot dog plants” may look like hot dogs, but they don’t taste like them at all.
#5 Make a handle for your plastic cup by tearing off a strip.
How will a drink stay in a cup with a large strip torn off? You will have a handle, but your cup will be empty.
#6 Make your earphones wireless by cutting off the wires using a pair of pliers.
Sure, they look like wireless earphones, but they won’t work like earphones. If they can’t play any sound, can they still be called earphones?
#7 Tired of people asking for your help all the time? Always fill your arms with puppies, so they don’t ask for help.
What happens when a person’s hands get sore from all that weight? Worse yet, what if someone asks them to put the puppies down?
#8 Use coconut oil to stir your spinach to make it easier to scrape into your trash.
Why cook it in the first place? More importantly, why did you buy it in the first place?
#9 Take a rubber glove filled with warm water and put it in your hand when you feel lonely.
There are lots of fun ways to meet new people. This is not one of them.
#10 Turn your drink into a diet version by pushing the button on the lid of your plastic cup.
You’ll be surprised by how many children believe this one. I wouldn’t be shocked if a few adults haven’t figured it out yet.
#11 Fight your loneliness by cutting your bread into the shape of a hand and high-five it when your toast is ready.
Hot toast is tricky, a person might get burnt every time they try that. It’s easier to make real friends by going outdoors.
#12 Eat random pills you find throughout the day to save money spent on medication.
Pills aren’t gummy bears. Anyone who follows this advice is playing Russian roulette.
#13 Skip the expensive manicure and use your toothpaste instead.
It will take a lot of guts to leave your house like that. The real question is, can you handle the weird looks you’ll get all day?
#14 Use a fine detail brush when painting your house to save paint and get better quality.
It would take ages to finish a single wall using a fine detail brush. Is there anyone with the patience for that?
#15 Get bitten by a rattlesnake to get rid of wrinkles.
Is the possibility of dying or losing a limb worth it? It’s insane, right?
#16 Stabilize a bagel with your finger when cutting it in half.
This only ends in two ways. You get a mild cut on your finger or spend the day in the emergency room.
#17 Add magic to your cold by putting a handful of glitter in your mouth before you sneeze.
Have you ever had the pleasure of cleaning glitter off clothes or furniture before? Just when you think you’ve got rid off it, more shows up to taunt you. It’s not fun.
#18 Don’t remind your children it’s their birthday to save some money.
It probably works sometimes, we can’t deny that. We just can’t help but feel like it’s a bit too mean.
#19 Add a few clean dishes next to a sink full of dirty dishes to make it look like you are working on it.
In some bizarre way, this might work. However, over time, this may lead to unpleasant odors or a colony of ants and cockroaches. What will you do then?
#20 Use a slice of red onion to naturally protect your computer from viruses.
How will someone explain why their computer smells like onions all the time? The cost of having to replace or fix parts damaged by the fluid from these onions will also be an expensive lesson.
#21 To hit the gas when driving on the highway, shift up from 5th gear to “R” for racing.
There are cities with well-developed public means of transport that allow adults to live their entire lives without ever needing to learn how to drive. For their sakes,”R” stands for reverse, not racing.
#22 Put your car wipers up so police can’t give you a ticket.
Police know how wipers work. They’ll simply drop them back down and leave your ticket. All you’ll have done is made it more difficult to talk yourself out of a ticket in the future.
#23 If your phone has a screen that’s too small, put it in a glass of water to enlarge it.
Waterproof phones are nothing short of a marvel. Sadly, waterproof phones are not the norm. Good luck with buying a new one after this.
#24 Redraw tire treads with a sharpie when they wear out
The car will skid off the road when it is wet. Also, worn-out tires get flats more often than new ones. Imagine getting a flat tire in the middle of nowhere one night with no one to help. That sharpie won’t be able to rescue anyone then.
#25 Take a hands-free selfie using tape
Does it work? Yes. Is it worth the amount of trouble you’d have to go through to take a single selfie? Just look at the image to decide…
#26 If your phone doesn’t have a flashlight, take a picture of the sun and use it in the dark.
It sounds right at first, but it doesn’t work in real life. A flashlight is designed to be as bright as possible; a phone’s screen is not.
#27 Heat your cold coffee on the stove while it’s still in a takeaway cup.
Not only will all your coffee spill out, but you’ll also have a hard time trying to scrape melted plastic off your stove. Pour coffee into a porcelain mug and heat it in the microwave. Better yet, make some fresh coffee.
#28 When all your cups are dirty, and you can’t find the strength to clean them, cut off the top of a large pepper and use it instead.
Admittedly, it is visually appealing. However, it just won’t taste the same, will it?
#29 Get yourself out having to give people Christmas presents by falling out with them before Christmas.
It works very well. Does it make you a terrible person? Yes.
#30 Turn on your hazard lights when you can’t find a parking spot. Then, leave your car where it stands.
Imagine a kind police officer waiting by your car hoping to help you with your car troubles. How will you explain your car’s miraculous recovery?
#31 Turn old doll heads into night lights for kids.
Toys and dolls have been a huge part of many children’s lives for ages. It’s an excellent way for them to exercise their creativity and just have fun. Turning doll heads into night lights, however, will only fill their young creative minds with nightmares.
#32 Boil and store gallons of water in advance to save the time you’d otherwise spend boiling water to make pasta.
First, does anyone’s fridge have enough space for all of that water? Second, how many times a week do any of us really make pasta? Finally, the water will still have to be reheated once it is taken out of the fridge…
#33 Are you missing out on all the nutritional benefits of eating eggs because you don’t like their taste? Add flour, cocoa, butter and then bake it for 30 minutes.
Baking a cake every time you want to eat eggs is a terrible idea. Not only is it expensive because of all the extra ingredients but you’ll also waste a lot of your time. Let’s not even discuss what it will do to a diet.
#34 Turn up the radio to drown out any noise your car may be making while you drive.
This is very dangerous. You won’t be able to hear other drivers honk and signal at you, which means you won’t be fully aware of your surroundings while driving.
#35 Sleep till midday so you only need to eat 2 meals a day.
Anyone doing this will probably be fired and end up not being able to afford the 2 meals either. Will they then have to sleep all day to avoid all 3 meals?
If you sleep till noon you only have to pay for 2 meals instead of 3
— StoopKid (@HarrisColten) February 20, 2017
#36 Recycle your cans by cutting them in half and using them as cups.
The sharp metal edges on these will most certainly leave cuts, and probably a trip to the emergency room.
#37 How to find a gas leak with a lit match
Using a lit match to find a leak may work in theory, but there’s a huge chance that you would get caught up in a huge explosion immediately after. The whole point here is to seal the leak and prevent explosions, not to cause them.
#38 Snakes make good pasta holders.
Ignoring how impractical this is, have they considered how unhygienic it is? Snakes crawl around all day.
#39 Frozen vegetables make a great substitute when you run out of ice.
Yes, frozen vegetables are pretty cold. However, I don’t think you’ll like the way your drink will taste as your vegetables defrost into it.
#40 Microwave your phone for 30 seconds to get rid of all the germs it may have picked up overnight.
For some odd reason, microwaves tend to burst into flames when you heat metal in them. Spare your wallet and use disinfectant wipes instead.
#41 Add a car spoiler to your PC to make it run faster.
Car spoilers do work. They use aerodynamic lift when you drive fast to keep your car stable while giving you some extra speed. Sadly, this only works on cars, not computers.
#42 Get a nose ring to hold your keys, so you never lose them.
First, this will be painful. Second, having your keys shuffle and sway from one side of your face to the other will be irritating. Lose your keys if you must.
#43 Keep you fire extinguishers high and out of reach to keep them from getting damaged.
How are you supposed to get them in the event of a fire? Their whole existence is pegged on being reachable when a fire breaks out, right?
#44 Put an orange post-it note in the microwave and use it as cheese when you run out.
Desperate times call for desperate measures. Sadly, this doesn’t taste or look like cheese to begin with.
#45 Pierce many screwdrivers into your tires to increase traction when driving through slippery roads and snow.
This will leave you with flat tires. Your car will be immobile, but at least your tires won’t slip.
#46 DIY quesadilla wallet
Technically, this will hold your cards, but there’s a chance you’ll have cheese in all your pants going forward. Good luck trying to clean it all out.
How to make your own quesadilla wallet in 3 super easy steps.
byu/notquitestrongbad inShittyLifeProTips
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