Have you ever watched one of those dance competitions on TV like So You Think You Can Dance? You might think that you were seeing the best of the best performing, right?
I thought the same.
Until I saw this couple dance and put everyone else to shame.

The dancers are Keone and Mariel Madrid, professionals of their craft to put it lightly!
They’re dancing at something known as Urban Dance Camp, a huge workshop for choreographers, dancers and YouTubers. Urban Dance Camp’s website puts it best:
“The Urban Dance Camp is the world’s leading dance intensive education. The annual international workshop event has become after 16 years the best dance education program with the highest standard of teaching and unique talents from around the world. Dancers, teachers and choreographers from more than 40 countries participate each year.
“The UDC is the perfect event to present your dance skills to a world wide choreography-oriented audience, to get new inspirations for your own choreographies and opportunities to meet new international partners. The Urban Dance Camp offers an unique intensive way of learning and experiencing new things that you haven’t done before.”
You get a sense of prestige pretty much the moment these dancers start. Every motion is fluid, precise and intentional. They’re perfectly in sync. This goes beyond practice! Dance is clearly a lifestyle for these two.
They begin the dance in an interesting position as well, in which they are locked arm in arm. They seamlessly transition out of that position without so much as a momentary catch or struggle.
They’re moving flawlessly with one another!

No doubt part of this comes from the strength of connection they have. The Madrids are married and dancing has positive benefits for a romantic relationship, no doubt why these two might be so strong!
“Dancing increases cognitive acuity at all ages. It integrates several brain functions at once—kinesthetic, rational, musical and emotional—further increasing your neural connectivity.” -Richard Powers, social and historic dance instructor at Stanford University.
Powers also added that something about the movement of dance makes it easier for people to deal with stress and stay flexible in their personal lives, adapting more easily to change and unexpected events!
With a power and connection like that, it’s no wonder the Madrids deliver a performance as well as they do. And it makes sense that they would be a coveted presence at such an important dance event like Urban Dance Camp!
The camp is clearly about learning, listening, networking and innovating, but it’s also about
having fun.

And judging by more than a few instagram pictures and the overwhelmingly positive feedback from attendees,
fun is what UDC does best.
These dancers don’t even just dance to the general beat and perform some cool techniques as they go, they
incorporate every beat, note and instrument into their movements.
And that is the quality that sends them to the next level and really over the edge.

Their movements are constantly changing but they always make sure to represent every facet of what you’re hearing in one way or another with their movements, even if they’re subtle.
I would imagine that these are the kinds of lessons you would get at the UDC, where you take over 80 classes across 20 days.
Talk about a good work out!
No doubt those attending the event are ready for the physical strain and stress it would put on the body but they must come out of that so sore by the time they get home!
By far my favourite part of the routine is the finish, when the dancers come full circle and link arms again. Keone looks at the crowd with a knowing, humble grin.
They absolutely nailed the routine and it’s just blown the mind of everyone watching.

If you want to see the dance for yourself (and you should) you can check out the video below!
I can promise these are going to be some of the best dance moves you will see all day.
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