The children in this family are going to have the answers when asked why their skin is a different color compared to their mom and dad.
Parents Adopt Children of Different Color
When Jessica Satterfield went about adopting her children, it is obvious she had no concerns about the color of their skin. This is not what defines the children as being hers.
The Realization
Jessica for the most part forgets that her children are adopted.
It was only when she looked in the mirror and reflected on the different colors of their skin that she remembered she had not actually given birth to these beautiful children that were her family.
A White Mama With Brown Children
Although Jessica doesn’t pay any attention to the color of her skin, she knows that other people do. She can instantly tell by the stares and the double looks.
What Jessica Prefers To Think
When she see people reacting to the color of her children’s skin, she prefers to think that they are staring because the children are so beautiful. Or perhaps they would like to know the story behind the children.
A Pleasant Encounter
Jessica is so used to the attention of strangers that sometimes she gets annoyed with it. One man stared at them, and Jessica thought it just another curious onlooker. Then the man walked up to them and commented on them having such a beautiful family. The incident brought tears to Jessica’s eyes.
Although Jessica didn’t give birth to the kids, they have some of her similarities. Her daughter laughs as she does, and the youngest boy crinkles his nose when is smiling. Jessica says she has the same trait.
What is Love According to Jessica?
She doesn’t like the saying that love is color blind. She prefers that love is diversity while enjoying what is different about each other, and having respect for each of these differences.
A Safe Place
Jessica has made sure that their home is a safe place for the kids to ask questions. The bandaids in the house come in every skin color. Some of the dolls have brown skin. There are plenty of books on adoptions
Families Don’t Have To Match To Be A Family
Wise words were spoken by one of Jessica’s little ones.
This is the answer he gave to another child when asked why his Mom was white, and he was brown. This little guy had only been with the family for a few weeks.
This Family Doesn’t Match In Looks But They Match In Hearts
Jessica and her family are a true inspiration for those who want to adopt or bring those into their family that may not have the same colored skin or are different in other ways.
These kids are going to grow up with acceptance and are not likely to ever judge anyone else by the color of their skin.
This is a family that is setting multiple examples.
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