Couple’s Sultry Dirty Dancing Routine Has Guests Soaring From Their Seats
This good looking wedding couple worked with a professional to get this iconic dance down to perfection. And they absolutely nailed it.
Morgan Slimak

One of the best parts about weddings is how crazy people get on the dance floor. Everyone is always in a great mood, having fun. It’s always so funny to watch some of our normally reserved relatives let loose a little bit and have a good time out there.

There is always that one unexpected couple at the reception, too, that totally shocks everyone with how good they are at dancing.

It could even be the bride and groom!

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At Terra and Drake Otto’s wedding, they wanted to make sure no one else stole the spotlight from them. So of course, they did what any smart bride and groom would do.

They learned the exact dance routine from the classic movie Dirty Dancing.

Then, at their wedding reception, they gathered all their family and friends around, didn’t tell them what was going on, and completely surprised everyone with it! The video of their surprise performance is something you just have to see for yourself.

“Sorry for the disruption folks, but I always do the last dance of the season,” said Drake.

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Drake repeated the exact introduction lines that character Johnny Castle did in the movie.

Although, he did change one small important part at the end.

“Somebody who has taught me to be the kind of man that I want to be, Mrs. Terra Otto.”

He changed the name in the final line to the name of his wife instead of Miss Francis Houseman. So… yeah, it’s not an exact movie quote, but we can definitely forgive him for changing that.


Then, right on cue, the song “(I’ve Had) The Time of My Life” began to play.

As expected, Drake started by suavely approaching his wife and beckoning her forward with a sly hand gesture.

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He placed his hand on the small of her back, then swung her into an awesome little dip.

We immediately started getting flashbacks of the scene from the movie, and all of the friends and family at the wedding started cheering.

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Drake placed Terra’s arm up over his shoulder, then she slid it downwards brushing it gently against his cheek.

The two looked deeply into each others’ eyes, and honestly, it is one of the most romantic things we’ve ever seen.

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They then began what is probably the coolest wedding dance of all time. It basically has to be. After all, it is pulled straight out of the coolest dancing movie of all time.


As Terra and Drake continued the performance, it became extremely evident how much time and effort they must have put into learning all the moves. We imagine they probably rehearsed the routine thousands of times. Seriously, they never miss a beat.

If you line up Terra and Drake’s video with the clip of the real scene from Dirty Dancing, it matches pretty much exactly

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It really is an amazing accomplishment.

You don’t have to be a fan of the movie to appreciate how good it is either. Anyone watching can plainly see the incredible talent involved in perfecting a dance that complex.

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A few minutes later, Terra and Drake finished to a well deserved roaring applause from everyone in the wedding party.


It was so unexpected, but an awesome surprise. All you Dirty Dancing fans out there, you have to check it out for yourself. We can safely say, you are going to love it!

Watch the whole video of Terra and Drake’s Dirty Dancing routine below.

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