Couple finds mysterious box in the wall of their home and nearly faint when they open it
When they purchased the home, they never imagined they'd find this within its walls.
Luis Gaskell

Every one of us might have pretended to go on treasure hunts as kids, but how many of us grew up and actually got to do it? We can’t exactly all take a trip to an island and go digging.

The disappointing truth is that life does get a bit boring when you grow up. Those adventures you had as a kid were nothing but pretend. Though sometimes, the treasure does end up finding you.

After purchasing an old home, this person was surprised to find a little box of treasure hidden away inside.

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Imgur - branik12

Indeed, it was a bit of a treasure hunt – just without the pirates and digging. It began with the purchase of this old home from the 1940s.

When buying a home this old, finding leftover belongings inside isn’t normally a big surprise. You’d usually find old furniture or clothes here. If it’s from World War II, maybe some old newspapers too.

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Imgur - branik12

But when the new homeowners peeled off the walls, they found old stone bricks with chalk writings on them.

Some swastikas could be made out on the walls. Was this formerly a Nazi home?

It might have been. Though it hardly matters now. The Nazis lost, and whatever might be in this home is theirs now.

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Imgur - branik12

Time to look through the ceiling. After removing the gross layer of dust, they found a small box hidden in the beams.

What could this be? It appeared to be an old tin box. The type that you might have used as a lunchbox or to keep photos in back in the day.

It absolutely did look like it had been sitting in there for around 80 years.

After a slightly tense removal of the string, the couple finally took a look inside.

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Imgur - branik12

There was wax paper and newspaper lining the top of the contents.

It would have been rather disappointing if old newspapers were all that was inside. Thankfully, the box was hiding much more than that.

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Imgur - branik12

Wrapped in old, dated plastic were dollar bills. Several whole stacks of them. Jackpot, perhaps?

They first found a stack of old 20-dollar bills dating back to the 1940s to 1950s.

And there were 2 more stacks wrapped in plastic. The stack of old 20-dollar bills from the 1950s would already prove to be worth a lot.

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Imgur - branik12

But there were more than just old 20-dollar bills in this box.

The next stack revealed itself to be 50-dollar bills – which would be worth a fortune when converted to today’s currency.

By now, OP and his wife were over the moon.

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Imgur - branik12

The last stack was all 100-dollar bills. That’s a treasure if I’ve ever seen one!

However, they couldn’t just cash it in or share it online just like that. They wanted to make sure that, in the eyes of the law, the money would be rightfully theirs.

They found it, after all. And it’s not like whoever left it here was ever coming back for it.

The pair sought a lawyer to oversee any legal complications that’d stop them from rightfully claiming the money.

That seems to have gone well, based on the fact that OP shared it online. What will they do now?

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Imgur - branik12

And how lucky must you be to find a fortune just stashed away and forgotten like this? That’s definitely a story I’d wanna tell.

Check out how they cataloged the whole find on Imgur!

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