Couple finds abandoned cottage and the inside is a time capsule
They expected an empty abandoned building, but that's not what they found.
Naomi Lai

These urban explorers came across an abandoned cottage, left to crumble in the woods for at least 30 years.

They had to work pretty hard to find it. Driving down narrow winding roads, the explorers had to move fallen trees and other debris fro their path.

But all the heavy lifting was worth it!

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Colin is also known as The Bearded Explorer on his YouTube channel.

This cottage isnโ€™t the only hidden gem heโ€™s found, but itโ€™s definitely one of the most interesting.

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Most abandoned buildings have been gutted and are just a deteriorating shell of what used to be. But when Colin and his partner made their way inside the abandoned cottage, they felt like they had been transported back in time.

The space was completely preserved, and full of furniture, toys, photos, dishes and other usual household items. Almost as if the house was waiting patiently for its owners to return.

They found an old newspaper from 1993 which allowed them to estimate how long ago it was abandoned.

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The furniture has been tossed around โ€“ but by whom?

It seems like both animals and other intrepid explorers like Colin and his partner had made visits over the past 30 years.

Naturally, the earth started to creep in and take over. Itโ€™s swallowing the old cottage up with vines and greenery.

Life always finds a way!

โ€œThis is what happens to a home when time stops and is left so nature can reclaim it.โ€ โ€“ Colin

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On paper itโ€™s cool, but itโ€™s also the stuff of nightmares.

Childrenโ€™s bedrooms are creepy enough as it is โ€“ theyโ€™re the perfect horror film setting โ€“ but abandoned like this? With teddy bears still on the bed?

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Next level terrifying.


Why are old dolls and toys so scary?!

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Despite the worn out furniture and thick layer of dust on every surface, it was like stepping back into the past.

โ€œThe house is a complete time capsule and is truly incredible! Seeing the wildlife literally taking over part of the bedroom was remarkable!โ€ โ€“ Colin


It seems like the house had been hit by a terrible storm and ruined beyond repair.

Parts of the roof have caved in and it looks like some of the rooms were flooded. It explains why everything was left behind.

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Imagine going up to your cottage to find a scene like this? Iโ€™d abandon it too.

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They even found what looks like a diary, or maybe a handwritten novel, but the handwriting is faded and impossible to read.

If you look at the top right of the page, I believe it says something about socks?

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It was no surprise when they found old family photos.

This distinguished-looking couple must have been the owners of the cottage! And clearly theyโ€™re big fans of cats.

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The explorers made a moral decision to cover any close up shots that could identify the people in the photographs.

Colin has almost 40k YouTube subscribers, and recently had some copy-cat explorers.

He has to be careful not to post too much information about the places he explores, or sometimes people follow in his footsteps.

I see why his viewers are intrigued, his adventures are pretty epic.

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But it can lead to a few problems including people injuring themselves, getting lost, stealing things, or over-tourism. So itโ€™s best he keeps these hidden gems just that โ€“ hidden!

Fortunately, we can explore these crazy buildings vicariously through him, from the safety of our homes.

I was basically ready for a ghost to pop out at any moment, but I can assure you the cottage is ghost-free!

Watch his adventure through the old, eerie abandoned cottage by clicking below.

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