Woman's honest chat with in-laws after leaving their son turns into blessing
It turned out to be the best decision she could have ever made.
Irene Markianou

“None of this divorce, remarriage, co-parenting stuff is easy. In some ways, it’s the hardest part of my life.” This is only part of the truth famous vlogger, Kristina Kuzmic, admits about her unconventional relationship with ex-husband and parents-in-law.


When Kristina Kuzmic relocated from Croatia to the US during the war in her homeland, nothing was easy. However, in 2011, she found herself crowned by Oprah the winner of Mark Burnett’s reality Tv show “Oprah’s Search for the next TV Star”. Did that mean that all her problems were solved? Did that mean there were no struggles for her? Certainly not.

Kristina Kuzmic decided to leave her husband when her second child was 18 months old. Things were rough between the two of them, she ended up depressed and broke. But that was not how the story ended. Kristina, after leaving her husband decided to have a long, sincere chat with her parents-in-law. And that’s where she found more support than she could have ever dreamt of.


“His mom said: ‘Well, if you’re not technically my daughter-in-law anymore, then from now on you’re my daughter.’ And they have treated me like one since.”

This is what Kuzmic wrote on an Instagram post apropos of the upcoming Thanksgiving holiday that they’re going to spend together. After all these years, Kristina and her ex-husband have decided to put their egos aside and care for their children first. Having both been through a lot, they realized that their priority should be their kids and their happiness and tranquillity. So they put their differences and pride aside and worked towards creating a beautiful, yet unconventional, family environment for them.

In the last few years, Kristina and the kids have always been spending the holidays at the grandparents’ house, ie. her ex-husbands’ parents. However, when she met her current husband, she thought the invitation would be withdrawn. She was wrong.


” Once I started dating my current husband, I assumed the invitation to Thanksgiving would stop. But no. The invitation was extended to him as well.”

Since then, they spend the holidays together, her current husband helping her ex-husband’s mother clean the table or prepare it for dessert, her ex- and current husbands having nice chats about work, football and parenting, and her ex-husband also playing superheroes with her son from her second marriage. A beautiful mix of people who once thought their life would go a certain way, but had to face reality and adjust to it as best as they could, having always in mind what’s best for the children.

As Kuzmic admits, this decision and this path has not been easy- in fact, it might be the hardest thing to do. However, she realizes that this is the right thing to do and the only way to make sure her children will live a happy childhood, free of drama and trauma- as much as possible- that will allow them to turn into confident and happy adults.

If only more families realized that this is what matters after the divorce. It’s not about who wins and who loses; it’s about providing the children with a healthy environment where they can thrive.

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