The laughter of a child can light up an entire room. Not only did the laughter of a child bring joy to Sara Shonfeld’s Musical Minds class but that little boy has put smiles on the faces of more than 4 million people on social media.
The class was singing Ms. Shonfeld’s song “Clap Your Hands Together” which requires kids to clap until she says “Stop.” She asked the class if they were ready and one very enthusiastic boy shouts, “Yeah!”

The boy has a huge smile on his face while clapping along with his classmates, but when his teacher yells, “Stop!” that’s when the real fun begins. The little boy for some reason thinks it is hilarious and starts laughing the most beautiful joy-filled laugh that you’ve ever heard.

His laughter just keeps growing and growing every time his teacher yells, “Stop!”

He laughs so hard that he even bowls over at one point. It’s just hilarious watching how funny this little boy thinks this song is. He is just so happy.

He even looks over at his fellow classmates to see if they think it’s as funny as he does. They totally don’t, and this kid just doesn’t get why but goes on laughing. Admiring his silliness, his friend just gives him a big hug.

The little boy is basically cackling toward the end of the song making all the adults in the room laugh just as hard too.
“Nothing like children laughter to bring happiness to the world!” Shonfeld said on her YouTube page. And she couldn’t be more right. More than 4 million people have watched the video too and they think so too.
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