Life is beautiful.
Sometimes, it’s all roses and sunshine and hugs and kisses. When life is good, everything is good.
But life has its ups and downs.
And when it’s down, it’s downright confusing. Not sure what this means?
Start the slideshow to find out how life can confuse people.
1. The beam
That’s okay. He’s got his radio and his snacks. And he can hear the announcer on the loudspeakers. The good news is he doesn’t need to worry about getting his knee bumped by the person in front of him.
2. There’s a horse on the balcony
There’s a horse on the balcony. I repeat, there’s a horse on the balcony. Did he get drunk and pass out there? Was he gonna climb down? There’s a freakin’ horse on that narrow balcony!
3. A little planning helps
Planning would have helped this dilemma, huh? I sure hope whoever made this mistake wasn’t a professor or student in this college.
4. Brooms with sunglasses
Are they spies in disguise? Was it magic gone wrong? What are these brooms doing? And why do they all look so cool with their sunglasses?
5. Non-stick, they said
It was supposed to be a non-stick dry pan. Are you sure about that? Who’s to blame for this fiasco now?
6. I think they’re lost
It’s been snowing hard outside and they’ve missed the exit. Where are they now? Quick! Take out the map and find the way back.
7. The ironic pain
Flat tire after flat tire. How could this happen? All they just wanted was to go home.
8. Hidden lights
They wanted to light the path. But where are the lights? Is it projected from high above or buried in the snow below? Where are the lights?
9. That’s why we bought the scissors
The old scissor was almost on its deathbed, that’s why the new scissors were bought. But the old scissor died before they could get out the new ones. What are we going to do now?
10. Ready for the finals!
Yes, he’s pretty much studied everything he could. He’s definitely ready for the finals.
11. Locked out
Don’t you just hate it when you closed the locked door with your keys halfway inside? Yeah. It’s happened to real people.
12. Fork shoes
Was it supposed to be a weapon? Was it supposed to hold all those extra forks in case you don’t have one? Who bothered to design and actually make these shoes?
13. Broken earphone plug
It was a 7-hour flight. He had his earphones with him. And then he saw this. Will he spend the 7 hours taking out that broken earphone plug?
14. Cockroach army
Are they in a play or something? And why are they dressed as cockroaches? Is this a political statement?
15. Poor chips
That’s like $10 worth of chips that no one can get. Or maybe it’s their donation to the guy who replenishes the vending machine stocks.
16. Twinsies!
They have finally found each other. Hallelujah! Their life has meaning once again.
17. Is that a tiger on the loose?
Don’t go closer! It might bite you. Wait, what is it really?
18. Upside down poster
That poster looks weird. Is that woman coming out of a screen, like in that horror movie? What is she doing?
19. Fortune in the cookie
Fortunes in fortune cookie have to be, you know, inside the cookie. Yeah, job well done here.
20. Parking for the disabled
Well, it is accurate. That is really parking for the disabled. And a wheelchair is used by the disabled. So…
21. Mall maintenance shop
They can repair anything. That bell simply refused to be repaired. Freakin’ bell.
22. The protector
The only protector he requires is an alien. An alien who can fly and fly him out of there. Good choice.
23. Drunk snowman driving
The drunk snowman was driving and hit a bump. That’s why there’s snow all over. And it’s not because they left the sunroof open.
24. Private viewing time
Because he wanted to watch his anime show, watching it at the stadium, while a live game was taking place, was the perfect venue. No one should be able to disturb him while he watches.
25. School’s out!
Well, the money paid for obedience training? That went down the drain.
26. Cracked die
When the die fell and cracked, it revealed another die inside. A die within a die? What’s going on here? Is this some kind of inception or something?
27. Identity crisis
This shell has got to be experiencing some kind of identity crisis here. IS it from New Zealand, Canada or USA?
28. He’s got no one to blame but himself
He painted himself into a corner. What’s he to do now? He’s really got no one else to blame but himself?
29. Bread explosion
An explosion of bread all around him. Where did all this bread come from? Was it a bread monster that died and exploded?
30. Creepy tires
This is beyond creepy. Who made these baby tires? Why did they make these?
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Sources: Brightside, Brightside