Comcast telephone rep saves a customer’s life when he has a stroke during their call
A lot of reps would have thought it was a prank call, but Kimberly acted fast.
Cherie Gozon

Customer service hotlines receive thousands of calls a day.

Pexels - Tima Miroshnichenko
Pexels - Tima Miroshnichenko

Companies like Comcast handle several clients, and so they are expected to receive tons of calls addressing multiple concerns like credit, billing, technical support, and more. These call centers also receive prank calls from people with nothing better to do.

However, there are some calls that stand out in an agent’s memory.

Pexels - Yan Krukov
Pexels - Yan Krukov

It could be that phone call from a child who asks for help with simple stuff (like solving their math problem). Some also experience calls from kind people who end up changing their lives – but some agents? They receive a call that is a cry for help.

Kimberly Kinnard Williams had that kind of call in Comcast.

YouTube Screenshot - WJTV 12 News
YouTube Screenshot - WJTV 12 News

At first, it was like any support call she received at work. The man on the other line was calling to settle some cable issues. However, later in the call, he started speaking incoherently. Concerned, Kimberly called out the customer’s name four times before his phone dropped.

Other customer service representatives may have easily dismissed this as a prank call.


However, Kimberly had a feeling that something wasn’t right.

YouTube Screenshot - WJTV 12 News
YouTube Screenshot - WJTV 12 News

She immediately called the attention of her supervisor through chat, telling her that the caller on the other line seemed to have had a stroke. Her supervisor felt the urgency of the situation.


They jumped through some hoops to help the man.

YouTube Screenshot - WJTV 12 News
YouTube Screenshot - WJTV 12 News

The man on the other line, Dan Magennis, lived in Walker, Michigan while the Comcast office he called was in Jackson, Mississippi. But the distance did not discourage Kimberly from figuring out how to help him.

Kimberly believed she was meant to take that call.

Pexels - Yan Krukov
Pexels - Yan Krukov

Out of so many agents, the call went to her. She believes that she was meant to save that man.

Kimberly said she knew it was a stroke because she had witnessed her grandmother have a stroke when she was a teenager.

Dan, on the other hand, was thankful he made that call.

YouTube Screenshot - 13 On Your Side
YouTube Screenshot - 13 On Your Side

He told 13 On Your Side that he was thinking of either doing some yard work or calling Comcast for his cable issues.

Then, he said everything happened so fast.

YouTube Screenshot - 13 On Your Side
YouTube Screenshot - 13 On Your Side

He said that he “didn’t have strength on his arms, his right foot didn’t work, and he couldn’t make a sound. And the rest of it is history as Kimberly went on to seek help.

Everyone believes that Kimberly saved Dan’s life.

YouTube Screenshot - 13 On Your Side
YouTube Screenshot - 13 On Your Side

Dan believes so and even sent an email to thank her. Her supervisor, Jennifer Clark, was also very proud of what Kimberly did. She praised the employee for going above and beyond her duties and for how she trusted her instincts and never second-guessed herself.

Dan received the emergency care he needed.

YouTube Screenshot - 13 On Your Side
YouTube Screenshot - 13 On Your Side

Responders went to his home and rushed him to the hospital. He was recuperating and very much alive when the media interviewed him. It’s all the proof we need to show how Kimberly’s quick thinking was indeed a matter of life and death.

Hear more about this amazing story in the video below!

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