College Student Gives A Labor Pain Simulator A Try
This will give you a good laugh
D.G. Sciortino

Jonny Wade has always considered himself a pretty brave and tough guy. He’s big into extreme sports and figured he could handle the pain of a labor simulator turned up all the way to 10.

Yeah… not so much.

“The pain was very severe and I didn’t last long at all,” Wade told Caters News.

Wade offered himself up as a guinea pig to test whether or not he could withstand childbirth during a demonstration at Lincoln Memorial University in Tennessee.



One of the last things Wade said before the simulator was turned all the way up was, “no matter what I say, go to 10,” Mirror reports. That was just before be began screaming, writhing, and begging for mercy.

One of his fellow classmates had to physically restrain him to keep him in his seat. The student just keeps telling Wade to breathe while patting his chest.

Poor Wade, who is studying to become a nurse anesthetist, looks like he is in the type of pain that is so bad you wouldn’t wish it on your worst enemy.



Wade said it was a pain that he’s never ever felt before.

In the meantime, his fellow classmates were laughing hysterically while watching him squirm.

“I’ve hurt myself in lots of ways in the past through participating in extreme sports and I have never really been through anything to compare with this,” he said, according to Mirror.

He only lasted about 20 seconds before he screamed to stop and was finally able to utter his safety word which would signal to his classmates to shut the machine down.



“Everyone in class thought it was very funny,” Wade recalls. “The best part was that we made a ‘safe’ word – pineapple – to signal time to stop the simulation. Towards the end, I was trying to shout out the word but I just couldn’t get it out.”

Let’s just say it was the longest 20 seconds of Wade’s life.



“I don’t think the simulator itself is as severe as labor because it’s a superficial pain, more like your abdominal muscles are being torn apart,” he explains. “Whereas I would guess real labor pain would be a deeper more visceral pain.”

Well, he’s probably pretty grateful that he’ll never have to go through with the real thing and likely has a newfound respect for those women that do.

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Source: Caters Clips
