Church claims to have experienced “Eucharistic miracle” after passing out bread
No "miracle" can be considered common, but Eucharistic miracles are set apart from other miracles for a reason. They're even less common than the others.
Ma Fatima Garcia

“God provides.”

This short but meaningful statement has changed so many lives.

We may not always notice it, but every day, He provides.

On March 5, 2023, at around 10 in the morning, Rev. Joseph Crowley, of the St Maximilian Kolbe Parish, at St Thomas Catholic church in Thomaston, CT, made an announcement.

YouTube Screenshot - WFSB 3
YouTube Screenshot - WFSB 3

At first, he was in awe.

He couldn’t come up with the words, but then he said they just had a Eucharistic Miracle at St Thomas Church.

“What happened is our lord multiplied himself,” Crowley said in the mass.

Usually, after the communion, the number of hosts, or the piece of circular, unleavened bread would be very little.

YouTube Screenshot -Catholic layman
YouTube Screenshot -Catholic layman

In this case, what shocked everyone was that the number of hosts actually went up.

How did this happen?

Everyone who saw it was baffled.

“We really do celebrate the life, death, resurrection of Jesus Christ and the alter, that the Eucharist really is the body soul and divinity of Jesus Christ and that all things are possible with God,” shared Crowley.

YouTube Screenshot -Catholic layman
YouTube Screenshot -Catholic layman

On the day of the miracle, Crowley worried because he knew they were running out of hosts to pass out to the people. There were still many people waiting.

They only had a few left.

Some of them tried to source out for more, and they had to act fast, but then, when Crowley looked back on his ciborium, there were more hosts.

Pexels - Gabriel Manjarres
Pexels - Gabriel Manjarres

They continued with communion, and after the ceremony, he realized something divine.

Their cup runneth over.

In his ciborium, there seemed to be many hosts left. Even more than what he had initially received before the start of the communion.

Pia, one of the devotees of the Saint Thomas Church in Thomaston, felt so excited after her mother-in-law told her about the Eucharistic miracle.

YouTube Screenshot - WFSB 3
YouTube Screenshot - WFSB 3

As soon as she could, Pia, along with her four children, drove from Stratford to Thomaston to light candles and pray for all those who needed them.

“It’s just so beautiful. God has been working so many miracles in our lives lately,” said Shaina Pia in her interview with WFSB 3.

Many people understood what the Eucharistic miracle meant.

And it applies to all of us.

Pexels - Gabriel Manjarres
Pexels - Gabriel Manjarres

Life is not easy, and there will be times when you will feel like you’re at the end of the road, or you don’t have any means to get your resources.

Remember to lean on your faith.

In these trying times, this miracle reminds us that “God provides,” as long as you have faith in Him.

“I think this is just a beautiful reminder from God during times that are challenging. There’s always good in the world and that God is always present and with us,” Pia shared in her interview.


The good news is that the Archdiocese of Hartford heard about the miracle and is looking into it.

We’re still waiting for the confirmation of this Eucharistic miracle and this could take around a few days to a week.

What do you think about the miracle?

Pexels - Gabriel Manjarres
Pexels - Gabriel Manjarres

Hear about how this Eucharist miracle came to pass in the video below!

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