Cemetery worker is moved by headstone tiny fawn seeks out among the many
Was it a coincidence?
Sasha Alonzo

Serving our country is not for the faint of heart.

It is an act of pride and honor that only a few share.

They put their life on the line to protect our country and our freedom, and sadly, some soldiers never come home.

Families are often left behind struggling with the loss.

For a few fortunate ones, something happens that gives them a sense of peace.

It’s like they receive a sign from the individual who passed away.

Perhaps a specific type of bird or a butterfly lands on the grave while visiting it.

But what about gravesites where unknown soldiers are laid to rest?

The unknown soldier

At one cemetery in Georgia, a soldier was buried.

Since no one knows who he was, his headstone remained void except for the words “unknown U.S. soldier”.

If at some point he’s identified, his name, birth date, and other information will be added.

Andersonville National Historic Site
Andersonville National Historic Site

A heartwarming sight

While going about his business at this cemetery, the maintenance supervisor, James Taylor, had a rare opportunity to see something that tugged at his heartstrings.

Although this could’ve involved any one of the gravesites, it was the one belonging to the unknown soldier.

Unsplash/Ryan Stone
Unsplash/Ryan Stone

Quietly sleeping

There, all curled up at the base of this soldier’s headstone was a tiny fawn.

With the American flag nearby, it created a sense of patriotism.

Taylor was so touched that he shared the photo he took with the Andersonville National Historic Site.

Andersonville National Historic Site
Andersonville National Historic Site

Coincidence or not?

The way the fawn laid by the unknown soldier’s headstone…it was as if she knew he needed to be comforted.

Although we’ll never know what drew her there, she was content to stay.

So, Taylor left her alone.

Andersonville National Historic Site
Andersonville National Historic Site

Time to say goodbye

Taylor explained that later in the day when he headed back to that part of the cemetery, he saw the fawn’s mother come to retrieve her baby.

Slowly, they walked away together.

Unsplash/Jeffrey Hamilton
Unsplash/Jeffrey Hamilton

Paying her respect

Although no one knows why this fawn chose to rest beside the headstone of the unknown soldier, everyone seems to agree that she was there to show special respect. I

n her way, she was honoring a man who fought but lost.

After all, animals have a keen sense that humans don’t possess.

Unsplash/James Kern
Unsplash/James Kern

An incredible site

The Andersonville National Historic Site has roots that go back to the Civil War.

At one time, it was the location of Camp Sumter, one of the largest military prisons for the Confederacy.

For roughly 14 months, that prison held over 45,000 captured Union soldiers.

During that time, some 13,000 died.

Unsplash/Jen Theodore
Unsplash/Jen Theodore

Still an active cemetery

While the Andersonville National Cemetery was established in 1865, it’s still operational.

Today, it handles about 150 burials annually.

Unsplash/Selena Morar
Unsplash/Selena Morar

A normal routine

As for the fawn, wildlife experts claim that when still young, mamas allow their babies to wander off a bit to learn to forage for food.

They added it was especially common at the time of year when the photo was taken.

Unsplash/Jamie Morns
Unsplash/Jamie Morns

Differing opinions

While these professionals are probably right, some people feel there’s more to the story.

Foraging for food is one thing but curling up to the headstone of an unknown soldier is something completely different… at least in their minds.

Unsplash/Julie Marsh
Unsplash/Julie Marsh

Whether there’s more going on or not, it’s a beautiful symbol of honor and respect.

Of course, if you ever come across a wild animal, even a fawn, you should never approach it.

Instead, enjoy its beauty from a distance.

The special moment made us stop and reflect on our own freedom and the brave soldiers fighting for us.

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Source: Fox 5 Atlanta, Facebook
