Sometimes dogs can get all the attention, but cats are known to be sweet too. They are quiet for most of the time and they love to snuggle a lot. These, alone, are already great reasons why it’s good for children to be around cats. But, there are still so many reasons out there to make us believe that cats are what kids need as they grow up and we have compiled them through these heartwarming images!
Cats may hate water, but they will never leave their human even when taking a bath. Kids and cats make great bath buddies, but cats will probably just stay beside the tub.
2. Licking the milk together
Cats make licking milk even more fun. Where’s the fun in simply drinking it from the glass, right?
Kids just love to be around cats. They are cute, sweet and really funny!
Looking at the sunset is kind of a calming way to end your day. The bright colors are just so beautiful, and it’s best enjoyed while hugging a warm and furry feline friend.
A kid’s bonding time with Mom can be enjoyed with the pet cat. Just being with each other as you stroke the kitty’s soft fur together makes a great moment for cherishing the love between Mom and child.
Looking outside the window is never fun to do alone. Just knowing that another one, namely your feline pet, is with you as you ponder about what’s ou there makes everything more enjoyable.
Cats love to do what humans do. Maybe that’s where the term “copycat” came from?
Want to get your kids to take a selfie? Give them the best buddy for it: your resident feline friend!
Cats surely know how to show their love for their human. A sweet kiss from them is always ready to show how much they care.
Playtime can include fun costumes and dress-ups. Cats, obviously, are definitely up to doing these kinds of games.
Do you know what the perfect pillow is? A soft and fluffy kitty!
What good is a nap if you don’t have someone to share it with? It’s a good thing that the feline of the house is always available to catch some Zs with.
13. Catching Z’s with you
Cats just love to roll around and sleep all day. They are the perfect companion for your sleepy baby!
Cats are great playmates. But, if your kid just wants to lie around and do nothing, cats are also the perfect companion for that!
Are your kids fond of getting into adventures daily? Cats will surely be great guides for their daily dose of playtime and exploration!
Listening to a story is not fun if you’re alone. Doing it with a certain feline friend makes it even more memorable.
17. I will be right by your bedside
Oh, how cats love to be around babies! They will not sleep at all if it meant having all day to just watch over the cute, little human.
Cats are great companions for children while they enjoy the toys inside their play pen. They get to interact and not just left to play alone.
19. Enjoying the outdoors
When the sun is up and the sky is clear, there is no better way for kids to enjoy than to play outside with friends. Cats make this playtime even more enjoyable!
Cats are great companions in taking photos. They totally look cute, especially in candid shots!
21. I want to be like you
Cats are quiet and observant. Some kids even want to be like them!
Isn’t it fun to see your kids playing outside and enjoying the sun? It’s even better when they enjoy the day with their feline friends!
Kids love milk and might find it hard to share the drink with others. With cats around, they will surely find out that sharing is definitely not hard.
Cats are not just great pillows. Their hugs are perfect blankets, too!
Cats love to sleep. Therefore, they are the perfect sleep mates for your little one.
Who said only humans can do sleepovers? Cats can, too!
A cat can be a faithful friend trying to offer help or even just being curious to the world around him.
Kitties have the warmest bellies. That’s why they are the most “purr-fect” pillows for children.
Cats are actually great blankets, too! Their warm bodies wrapped around your kid will make them sleep even better.
30. Learning about sharing
How can kids learn about sharing if they don’t have anyone to share things with? If your kid doesn’t have siblings, having a cat around will solve this problem.
Kids may be cranky at night and sometimes, what they need is only a warm friend sleeping next to them. Cats and their warm bodies are definitely what you need to help your child with sleeping soundly at night.
Cats are not only good with being your child’s sleeping buddy. They might even know how to rock your little one to sleep!
33. A source of happiness
Children in unfortunate situations can easily become stressed and sad. But, with pets like cats living with them, a friend is always present to clam their hearts and put a smile to their faces.
Little kids who can’t talk yet try to make conversations through their own form of baby talk. The next thing you knw, they are already talking to the house cat! They are the perfect listeners who silently look as your little one blabbers on.
35. Waiting for their turn
Cats also love to play, but they know how to wait for their turn. They always let the babies play with the toys first before playing along.
They look adorable together, with their matching colors. They are twinning and it’s totally cute!
Kids are fond of pajama parties. Apparently, cats also love them too!
Cats are definitely the sweetest, clingiest pets around. They love humans and they love showing how affectionate they are through snuggling and touching. They love to be around babies the most!
Cats are quite observant and will guard your sleeping kid while they sleep. They are perfect to be their companion because they move silently and love to just watch over the baby.
Cats love babies and will not leave them alone for one moment. Even when sleeping, kitties will surely lay down on the bed and sleep next to them.
A girl can have a best friend forever, but it’s not always another human. Sometimes, cats are the best friends you can find in this world and they do nothing but reciprocate that love!
Kids just love roaming around the house. They never get tired! It’s a great thing cats are always there to accompany them.
Are you planning a vacation with the kids? Bring the cat along and they will surely love the trip!
44. I will watch over you
Cats are highly protective and they are quietly observing their surroundings to see potential sources of danger. They amke the best sleep companion for kids simply because of this.
As you can see, cats are not just around to sit and watch. They are actually there to provide love and care and fun to your children as they grow up. They definitely need to be cherished and their amazing loyalty and friendship are absolutely what the kids need.
Source: Earth Porm, Bored Panda
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Sometimes dogs can get all the attention, but cats are known to be sweet too. They are quiet for most of the time and they love to snuggle a lot. These, alone, are already great reasons why it’s good for children to be around cats. But, there are still so many reasons out there to make us believe that cats are what kids need as they grow up and we have compiled them through these heartwarming images!