Future Bride Has Perfect Response To Trainer
You go, Cassie! What do you think about her reply?
Jonathan Maes

Cassie Young is a successful reporter and works at The Bert Show as a Web and Social Media Director. Cassie was absolutely thrilled when her boyfriend Chad proposed to her, and she said yes! The lovely couple has been together for just about ten years and could start planning their wedding day.

Cassie Young
Cassie Young

When she announced the terrific news on her social media profiles, Cassie received a message from a personal trainer on Twitter who wanted to advertise his services.

“Congratulations on your engagement,” the message reads. Hire me to get in shape for your wedding. I charge 75 dollars an hour and I’m worth every penny. I have a Masters degree in Kinesiology and my undergraduate was dual major exercise science and nutrition food sciene.”

Cassie then simply replied politely that she wasn’t interested in his services, and told him she already was in shape.

Cassie Young
Cassie Young

Unfortunately, the personal trainer didn’t stop there and kept on harassing Cassie until a point where he downright fat-shamed her completely.

“I know you want to look your best on your wedding day. If you don’t hire me hire someone. Those pictures last centuries. Your children’s children’s children will still have those pictures. You want your best you.”

Cassie refused to let herself get insulted by a stranger on the internet who claims to be a professional trainer, and she responded firmly yet politely to the bizarre conversation.

“I know I’ll look my best because I’ll be so happy I get to marry the man I love! I know it’s probably hard for you to understand this, but it’s taken a long time for me to love my body. I am constantly shamed or reminded that I am heavy and should be embarrassed.”

Cassie Young
Cassie Young

Cassie Young
Cassie Young
Cassie Young
Cassie Young

The trainer is absolutely relentless in his words and doesn’t quit harassing her.

“You can accept how you look but you can’t be happy with the way you look. You can’t lie to yourself. I just wish the whole big body acceptance people would accept the fact they are not happy with their bodies,” the man said.

Cassie Young
Cassie Young
Cassie Young
Cassie Young
Cassie Young
Cassie Young
Cassie Young
Cassie Young

Cassie Young
Cassie Young

After this ridiculous exchange, Cassie decided to share the entire thing on her Facebook page with a fantastic message for other victims of fat shaming.

“I’m posting this because I want every woman and man to know that it does not MATTER what you look like.

You are worthy. Love is out there for you. Life is waiting with open arms. It doesn’t matter if you’re skinny or fat or between the two or willowy or broad shouldered or pear shaped or like a board or anything in between. You get good stuff in life by being YOU. That’s what matters.

If you think of life as a “game” with being skinny as how you “win,” this guy is offering to play by the rules and get you there. I’m telling you the game is BOGUS. You don’t need the game. I reject the game. I REFUSE TO PLAY. It’s a fake construct that you can step outside of.

Your inner-value and self-worth comes from YOU, not what you look like.

Life is waiting for you. It’s too short to be spent worrying about a belly roll. Go be happy and live it to your fullest.”

An inspiring and empowering message, as there is truly no room for fat shaming in the world. Congratulations on being engaged, Cassie!

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