Do you know the missing lyrics to the Brady Bunch theme song?
"I'm not a snitcher. I just tell it like it is." - Cindy Brady
Kate Miano

There’s no way anyone grew up in the 60s and 70s without seeing at least one episode of The Brady Bunch. Chances are, you probably loved it. One of the most popular and iconic shows of all time, The Brady Bunch still gets referenced in TV shows and jokes today.

Did you know that the theme song changed slightly over the years?

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While many beloved characters and storylines stayed consisted throughout the massively successful show’s 5-season run, the theme song is something that changed.

During different seasons, different characters sang the song. In the first season, a band named The Peppermint Trolley Company sang the song. By the second season, the boys and girls from the show sang the song to show off the family more. At some point you might have even gotten the song stuck in your head and sang it aloud to yourself.

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Regardless of what iteration it was in, the theme song was essential to the show.

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The Brady Bunch theme song was used to quickly communicate to the audience that the Brady’s were a blended family. The lyrics to the theme song told the story of how the two families, one of all girls and the other of all boys, ended up living together under one roof. By telling this story in the theme song, it enabled the show to get right into the action and the fun times that the family shared.

Are you a true Brady Bunch fan? Test your knowledge with our quiz, and then watch the amazing Brady Bunch reunion video below!

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