Umbrella Gets Caught In Elevator Causing Boy To Be Trapped
Well, that turned scary real quick.
Chesney McDonald

Many of the spaces that we so take for grated moving through can transform dramatically when things go wrong. An escalator for instance, when it stops moving becomes a horrible set of stairs that one has to walk up… with their own legs! Jokes aside, some other mechanical conveyances can become very scary indeed when they malfunction. An elevator can in no-time become a terrifying chamber if you were to get stuck in one.

One boy in east China’s Jiangxi Province discovered that for himself…the hard way.

In Fuzhou City, this young lad found himself in a spot of trouble after he had been holding the door open for his dad for some time.


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The boy had been holding the door for a while and waiting for his dad, and was getting tired of holding his finger to the button.


He steps out and looks down the corridor, but still his dad is nowhere to be seen. He has a large Spiderman backpack, and is holding a small collapsable umbrella. He seems so carefree with his umbrella slung over his shoulder. That relaxed demeanour will not last very long for this unfortunate young man.

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After holding his finger on the button for a while, he gets a bright idea…

…Or maybe not so bright. Hoping that the pole of the umbrella will trigger the lever to keep the door open, the boy allows the door to close over the handle of the umbrella. Only, the doors close completely.

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After the doors close completely, the real trouble starts when the elevator begins to drop.

The umbrella shoots up to the top of the door, trapped as the elevator begins to descend. The boy lets go just in time, otherwise he too would go flying into the ceiling. Luckily the umbrellas rips from his grip and he is not hurled upwards.

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Now the boy knows he’s in trouble…

Understandably, the young lad begins to panic. Not knowing what to do, he frantically begins pressing buttons in the hope of reversing the elevator. But the elevator is stuck fast…on the 25th floor, with the doors not opening.

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Continuing his panic, our guy gets desperate.

He attempts to pry the doors open with his bare hands. Needless to say, that does not work. Maybe it would have worked for the real Spiderman, but for our scared young friend here, not so much. He repeatedly bangs on the door and yells, crying for help. He could only hope that a rescue team could come to help him soon, as he seems to have no direct contact with the world outside of his metal box.

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Eventually, the door if opened and the boy freed. This must have been such a terrifying experience for a young man, and hopefully not so traumatic that he’d be too afraid to enter elevators for a while. One thing is for sure, I bet his dad felt bad for not being there at the time. The good news is that in the end, he was freed, was safe and the only damage was to the small collapsible umbrella.


Watch the full video below to witness this escape!

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