Boy Saves Drowning Brother With Help Of The Rock
He remembered the Rock's 'San Andreas' and knew exactly what to do
Kristi Shinfuku
Christa O'Connor
Christa O'Connor

While The Rock is known for playing heroes on the big screen, it turns out his fans are turning into quite the real-life heroes just by watching his actions in films and movies. One young fan, a boy named Jacob O’Connor, became a true hero himself when he saved his brothers life when his brother fell into the pool and nearly drowned.

The 10-year-old Michigan-bred boy saw his brother’s body floating in the pool earlier this summer, reminiscent of a scene in which The Rock pulls his daughter out of floodwaters in the film San Andreas. The Rock’s character gives her CPR, and after some time, she manages to spit out water and gain consciousness.

While Jacob had never attempted CPR before, the movie scene was fresh in the boy’s mind, and he knew what he needed to do.


He quickly pulled his 2-year-old brother from the pool, laid him flat on the ground, and started performing CPR.

“The movie just popped up in my head and I started thinking about that scene,” Jacob recalled to The Washington Post about the entire incident. “And that’s when I started doing the compressions.”

Eventually, Jacob’s “heart started pumping” and he then “vomited a little water.”

He quickly became a local hero, and eventually, word got around to The Rock himself, who tweeted out few mentions of Jacob’s heroic act.

Christa O'Connor
Christa O'Connor

“You’re a real life hero,” the mega-film superstar wrote on his Twitter feed. “We’re all proud of you!”

While the young Jacob isn’t quite sure if he’s a hero or not, everyone else around him seems to unanimously agree that he did something truly amazing in the heat of the moment, and even television programs like Good Morning America have reached out to him for interviews. His biggest goal is to meet the Rock next, let’s hope he gets to have the chance!

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