What is there not to love about Jon Bon Jovi? He’s a very talented musician with an incredible voice. That’s why the video below is just so amazing.
Back in 2007, Bon Jovi performed his own rendition of Leonard Cohen’s “Hallelujah,” and since then, it has been seen by more than 20 million people. He sings with such passion and emotion, and it’s hard not to tear up and repeat the song over and over again.
The video of this spontaneous dance session quickly became a hit online, not just because of Andrew’s unexpected dance break, but also due to the clever editing.
As the video plays, viewers see Andrew shifting from one roof to another, dancing in different spots and showing off a variety of moves.
The editing adds a humorous twist, making it appear as though Andrew is teleporting from one place to another.
It’s this unique combination of unexpected dancing and creative video work that makes the clip so entertaining.