If You Were Born In The 60s, 70s or 80s, Then This Video Is For You. It's A Blast From the Past!
Take a trip down memory lane.
Kim Deisher

Things have changed greatly in the past 30-50 years between generations. Technology alone has created a significant divide between those who are tech savvy and those who are just trying to keep up. But more than that there are vast differences between kids of the 50’s-early 80’s and those who were born in the new century.

Regulators and bureaucrats have spoken out stating that people from the generations of the 50’s-early 80’s are lucky to be alive today.

I mean how could one live without internet, cell phones, social media or the 24 hour news cycle? How could people possibly survive the turmoil of everyday life without all the modern technology we now have to do everything for us? It’s an easy answer if you’re from those generations; we simply lived our lives. Here are some throwbacks that are sure to make you feel old!

1. Kids spent the entire day outside

We as children actually went outside all day until sundown, until the street lights came on and dinner was on the table. We played outside all day every day. There was no obesity because we did nothing but exercise without playstations and Xboxes to keep us indoors. We climbed trees and waded through rivers, fell down and broke bones and yet we survived. You learned to pick yourself up and carry on.

2. What Does “Child Proof” Mean?

Happily for the safekeeping of children a lot of things have changed in recent decades. One of those being things like child safety locks, child proof caps, lead paint regulations and other things that were not even a thought for kids of the earlier generations. Cabinets were free range, your seat belt was the only air bag you’d get and who needed a helmet to ride a bike? It’s laughable but it also created some of the most ingenious, brave and bold risk takers of our time.

3. Friendships happened in real life, not on social media

There were no cell phones or social media but only friends, actual faces appearing at your door asking if you wanted to play ball or go for a bike ride. We would spend the days with our friends, in person, making up games that involved no more than a stick and a ball or using our imaginations and whatever tools we had around us to come up with magical places and new worlds. We were our own entertainment.


4. There were no parental bail outs

We were held responsible for our actions and parents certainly would not defend our terrible behavior. If we misbehaved at school or broke the law most of the time the parents sided with the authority and we were punished. This taught us how to take responsibility for our actions.

5. Sometimes, you did NOT get a trophy

Sports used to be competitive, not everyone made the team and not everyone got a trophy at the end of the season. This taught kids to deal with disappointment and motivate to try harder the next time. It is a rare person who can master anything in life without stumbling and having to practice along the way. We met with trial and defeat and had to face it.

6. Attorneys were not on speed dial

Accidents were just that, an accident. No one was sued or taken to court over trivial matters. No one blamed anyone else if we were being dumb and hurt ourselves. It was our fault, our mistake and we got up and learned to move on. Kids got into fights and scuffles, but would ultimately dust themselves off and learn from the incident and that would be that.

You need to have these real experiences to gain a sense of the real world. When you fall down you pick yourself up and when you fail you try again.

Maybe it is rather miraculous that most of us made it to adulthood but life experience is a priceless thing and it’s definitely something kids these days won’t get from a smartphone.

If you can relate please SHARE this with your friends and family!

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