Big brother tries to teach little sis about manners only it takes funny turn
This is sibling gold. 🤣
Jake Manning

If you grew up with an older sibling, then you know all about the unsolicited advice they love to give.

It’s almost like a rite of passage!

They’ve been around longer, so naturally, they assume they’ve gathered enough wisdom to pass down to you.

But whether you’re on the receiving or giving end of this advice, it’s usually a blend of helpful, hilarious, and maybe even slightly annoying.


Enter Jack and Emmalyn, a brother-sister duo from the YouTube channel “Jack of the South.”

Jack, the older brother, decided to share some of his worldly advice with his younger sister, Emmalyn, on a rather critical subject: manners.

Jack clearly thinks he’s doing a stellar job by helping Emmalyn understand the do’s and don’ts of proper etiquette.

But, as we all know, just because you think you’re helping, doesn’t mean the other person feels the same way!


Jack is not just your average big brother; he’s also a young YouTuber and TikToker with quite the following.

Known for his charming Southern drawl and life as a third-generation farmer, Jack has captured the hearts of many with his innocent wisdom, funny sibling banter, and relatable farm life content.

His social media, especially TikTok, has millions of likes because who can resist a cute kid with a Southern accent talking about life on a farm?


In one of his videos, Jack is giving Emmalyn what he considers some very sage advice about etiquette, all while sitting in the backseat of a car.

For Jack, this seems to be the perfect setting to deliver some big brother wisdom.

The conversation is already in full swing when Jack drops this little gem: “Nobody wants to hear that.”

He continues in his sweet Southern accent, “You can tell them you have a sucker – but don’t tell them you pooped!”


Jack, being the thoughtful brother he is, is trying to help his sister navigate the tricky social rules of what’s acceptable to share.

His advice? Solid!

His sister’s response? Well, it’s a bit more complicated.

Emmalyn, with her adorable toddler voice, attempts to explain that she earned her lollipop because she pooped in the potty at school.

Jack patiently explains that there are certain people she could tell, like Grandma and Papa, but strangers? Absolutely not.


Despite Jack’s valiant efforts to teach Emmalyn the art of discretion, her response to his advice is simple: “Just hush!”

Something tells me she’s had her fill of big brother wisdom for the day!

It’s clear that while Jack is on a mission to educate, Emmalyn is not entirely on board with his lesson plan.


After Emmalyn launches into another story about something that happened at school, Jack senses another “teachable moment.”

When she starts talking about someone supposedly going to jail, Jack cuts her off with more brotherly advice, “You do not need to tell people that somebody went to jail from your school, because I know they did not!”

But Emmalyn is not having it.

She’s already told him to “hush” once, and now she repeats it again with even more annoyance.

Clearly, Jack’s advice has reached its limit for the day.


Watching this video might transport you straight back to your own childhood or make you think of your own kids.

It’s just so heartwarming and funny!

One viewer gushed, “I just love listening to these kids talk. They are so adorable.”

Another hilariously pointed out, “They’re like an old married couple instead of brother and sister.”

And honestly, they really do sound like it!


Click on the video below to watch their hilarious conversation for yourself!

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