Brother Consoles Baby Sister At Doctor's Office
So much love in this sweet video!
Jill Cain

When his sick baby sister just wouldn’t be consoled, five-year-old brother John knew exactly what to do.

Taking his sister in his arms, he instinctively began gently rocking back and forth. The peaceful, rocking motion and her brother’s calm, sweet spirit was the perfect touch. Baby sister Clara plopped her thumb in her mouth and was soon sleeping soundly on her brother’s shoulder. Their mom, Dani Davis, quickly grabbed her camera to capture the endearing moment.

The whole episode took place during one of the brother and sister’s frequent trips to the doctor’s office. John’s baby sister Clara has achondroplasia, the most common form of short-limb dwarfism. She has spent much of her life visiting the doctor and facing sickness and challenges. While poor Clara is no stranger to illness, her big brother is a constant source of love and devotion during those times.

Instagram @ddanidavis
Instagram @ddanidavis

Dani’s Instagram feed is filled with images of John and Clara. The two are inseparable, and it’s easy to see from the looks on Clara’s face, that she adores her big brother. They play together, eat together, and brother and sister visit the doctor’s office together.

Instagram @ddanidavis
Instagram @ddanidavis

During this particular doctor visit, Clara was awaiting results from RSV, Strep, and Flu tests. She didn’t feel well, and the wait was long. Poor baby Clara had eventually had enough. When she wouldn’t stop crying, it was only natural that John gathers her up in his arms for a hug and a cuddle.

They’d been here before, and John knew how to help his baby sister to feel better. He’d comforted her through several illnesses in her short life. Clara trusted John and contentedly crawled onto his lap and laid her head on his shoulder.

As John began rocking back and forth, Clara put her thumb into her mouth and laid her head on his shoulder. You can see in the video how patient he was with her as she slowly drifted off to sleep. He continues to sway subtly until Clara is sound asleep.

Instagram @ddanidavis
Instagram @ddanidavis

The bond between siblings is unlike anything else in the universe. There is a special connection that exists and it can be felt and seen between them. John and Clara are a testimony to that. There are times when no one understands like a brother or sister and sometimes, just having their shoulder to cry on can actually make you feel all better.

Instagram @ddanidavis
Instagram @ddanidavis

When John looks at Clara, he sees his perfect little sister. She can do anything she puts her mind to and with her big brother’s support, there’s no telling what she’ll accomplish, and with her by his side, there’s no telling what John will accomplish either.

Instagram @ddanidavis
Instagram @ddanidavis

Watch the video below to witness the heartwarming and powerful moment between the two for yourself.

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