Yogurt has been hailed as one of the healthiest food options in today’s market. When looking at the nutrition facts and studies being conducted, it’s not hard to see why. There has been a significant increase in types of yogurt offered over the years, including low-fat and Greek, with different cultures, probiotics, and enrichment. But what makes yogurt so special?
Nutritionally Excellent
Most yogurts contain large amounts of calcium, zinc, B vitamins and probiotics, as well as protein and vitamin D. The high acidity of yogurt also makes it easier to digest and absorb the minerals. According to Tufts Now, yogurt improves the overall diet by providing at least 20 percent of the necessary proteins, vitamins, and minerals the body needs.
High in Protein
Yogurt is high in protein, which is the building block of the body; proteins contribute to growth and repair of cells. A study in 2013 assessed a variety of afternoon snacks and their ability to reduce hunger as well as increase fullness, with the most effective being found to be a serving of Greek yogurt at 24 grams of protein, according to Appetite.
Bone Health
As people age, their bone density begins to decrease; yogurt can help strengthen bones as it is an excellent source of both vitamin D and calcium. Studies have demonstrated that daily yogurt intake pointed to an increase in bone mineral density, and even promotes balanced bone health, according to the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition.
The probiotics found in yogurt are useful in alleviating irritated bowels and diarrhea. Yogurt high in probiotics can lead to healthy gut function and can be consumed easier by lactose individuals than other dairy products, according to the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases.
Immune system
Currently under study is the impact probiotic yogurt can have on the immune system, with emphasis on the gut and lymphoid tissue. In children, yogurt can reduce flu-like symptoms while in adults decrease the number of upper respiratory infections, according to the Colorado Integrated Food Safety Center of Excellence.
Weight control
The high amount of proteins also can help people feel fuller, curbing the appetite and improving chances of weight loss. There is a distinct correlation between yogurt and having an improved diet quality, according to the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, and can reduce the risk of obesity by improving metabolisms and promoting fat loss.
Vaginal Infections
Researchers have found certain bacteria found in yogurt can be used to prevent yeast infections. The bacteria, Lactobacillus, can be used to treat the common infection by supplying the bacteria necessary for vaginal health, while other, less explored factors of yogurt could contribute to balancing pH levels, according to “Vaginal Microbiota and the Use of Probiotics.”
Benefits of the functional food are numerous, with more and more being studied and revealed each year. Research into yogurt has been growing, as well as its reputation as a health food.
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Sources: [American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, Choose My Plate, Colorado Integrated Food Safety Center of Excellence, Harvard, Medicine Plus, National Center for Biotechnology Information, NCBI, NCBI, NCBI, National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases, Science Direct, Tufts Now, University of Florida, WebMD]