Addiction is a terrible thing for anyone to suffer from and go through — it can ruin lives, tear families apart, and drastically disintegrate a person’s health. Not only do drugs cause serious internal damage but the damage is visible on the outside as well.
It doesn’t take long for hard drugs to take their toll on a person’s physical appearance — it can completely transform a healthy person into an unrecognizable malnourished ghost of that person.
Breaking the cycle of addiction and kicking a habit is an incredible feat — a feat that many addicts never accomplish. However, once a person has regained their life and removed drugs from their lives — the results can be astonishing.
These photos of addicts during and after addiction are shocking. These people are completely unrecognizable — the devastation of the drug was obvious.
15. 8 months without heroin…the change is incredible.
The color and life back in this beautiful girl’s face are just amazing. It’s so wonderful to see such a sparkle back in her eyes.
14. Six years after kicking a meth habit — possibilities are limitless!
Looking at her picture while on meth, it’s almost as if the drug was literally sucking the life out of her. You can see it in the gaunt cheeks. But now? What a beauty!
13. Meth and heroin are a devastating combination.
The effects of these hardcore drugs are hard to look at in this photo. The damage that drugs do the body is crippling — it strips away the soul. This man looks so much happier now!
12. A year clean from heroin is light years away from what she used to look like.
There’s a dullness in her eyes when she was on heroin that has since disappeared. The smile and healthy hue of her skin show how much better her life is now — free from the grips of heroin.
11. 5 years without heroin and happier than ever.
She used to steal to fund her habit, having 174 convictions. She has now been clean and sober for 5 years, she’s ecstatic to be a wonderful mother of two.
10. He was about to give up on life. Meth had ruined everything.
You might never suspect that this man was ready to end his life at one point; sick of the drug addiction lifestyle of being homeless and high. He now talks with his family and is ready to live a life with healthy relationships.
9. Just 3 months off meth made an enormous difference
A brother on Reddit boasted about his sister who had recently achieved 90 days of being clean from meth. Her previously malnourished frame looks healthy and glowing. We hope she continues on this path to recovery — she looks amazing!
8. Over two years sober — going strong and looking healthier than ever!
We’re not sure what Daniel’s drug of choice was, but it’s obvious it was taking a giant toll on his health and well-being. It looks like he found happiness in the sun and even tried out a new hairstyle! We couldn’t be more proud of him.
7. This is what over 800 days without heroin looks like
After going to jail and falling into a deep depression, she knew she had to make a change. The girl who once looked like the stereotypical drug addict is now the gorgeous girl she was always meant to be. Her accomplishment is incredible.
6. She’s 10 years sober and it’s a miracle.
Addicted to crystal meth at just 19-years-old, her life was on the road to destruction. It wasn’t long before she couldn’t survive the grip of her addiction. She’s now a mom with a college degree in accounting; thank goodness she decided to change her life around.
5. Six years without opiates leave this man to be unrecognizable.
Looking at these two pictures, you wouldn’t think that this was the same person. After being an addict for 5 years and receiving a DUI, he knew he had to kick his addiction if he wanted a future. It looks like it was the best decision he has ever made.
4. Once addicted to heroin, cocaine, and ecstasy — now 5 months clean.
His addiction quickly spiraled after trying pain killers when he was 18 years old. He was soon trying every drug he could get his hands on; smoking, then snorting, then injecting. He dropped 40 pounds. He realizes 5 months clean isn’t a lot, but he’s excited about his future.
3. 9 months clean and it shows!
Meth and heroin were damaging every aspect of his life — it’s even apparent in his complexion. Less than a year later and you can see how much happier his body is! He’s even helping volunteer at a transitional home for other recovering addicts.
2. Five years without meth has been a new lease on life.
Not only was this beautiful woman suffering from an extremely horrible meth addiction, she also battled with OCD. She finally found the support she needed and has been completely clean and sober for 5 years. The after results are incredible.
1. She’s celebrating 4 years without opiates ruining her life.
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It’s just breathtaking how much happier and healthier this woman, named Nikki, looks after being sober for 4 years. She might be smiling in the picture during her addiction, however, it’s clear that she was far from happy. She must be so proud of herself!
(h/t): BoredPanda