Man With Giant 'Beer Belly' Has 77-Pound Tumor
He was constantly being bullied over his rapidly growing belly, so he went to go see a doctor - thank goodness he did.
Maxim Sorokopud

The human body can produce some strange, strange things. What happened to this person proves that beyond a doubt.

Everyone knows that Americans tend to be pretty big.

In fact, almost three-quarters of American men and 60% of American women are overweight.

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USA Today/YouTube

Hector Hernandez used to be in this demographic. He lives in California and didn’t look after his body for years.

But then one day, something strange started happening. He began gaining weight at an unprecedented rate.

But that wasn’t the weirdest thing.

While he was putting on the weight, his arms and legs appeared to be shrinking.

His belly, however, was bloating strangely.

USA Today/YouTube
USA Today/YouTube

Alarmed by this change, Hector decided to go see the doctor.

The doctor didn’t appear to be too concerned and recommended that Hector switch to a plant-based diet.

Hector followed his doctor’s advice and started eating more healthily than ever before.

He lost some weight in parts of his body, but his stomach kept expanding.

He went back to the doctor, who still seemed unconcerned and sent Hector on his way.

Hector kept up with a healthy diet, but still, his stomach kept growing.

And then he started getting unusual symptoms. He often felt a shortness of breath and heartburn.

Hector returned to the doctor yet again and detailed his symptoms.

For the first time, the doctor started to suspect that something more serious than lack of exercise and a healthy diet could be the cause of Hector’s problems.

The doctor ran some more extensive tests.

USA Today/YouTube
USA Today/YouTube

The tests discovered the cause.

It was a rare form of cancer called liposarcoma. It had caused the giant swelling in his stomach.

In fact, what was in Hector’s belly was a gigantic tumor.

Hector had to undergo surgery to get the tumor removed. The operation was complex and exhausting. In all, it took six hours to complete.

After it was extracted, the surgeons discovered that the tumor weighed a shocking 77 pounds!

USA Today/YouTube
USA Today/YouTube

Luckily, Hector managed to make a full recovery.

Thanks to the diet that he had implemented, Hector is now feeling better than ever!

USA Today/YouTube
USA Today/YouTube

But just how lucky was Hector to recover from liposarcoma, and what are the odds of anyone contracting it?

The survival rates of liposarcoma are high, but it depends on what kind someone has. Survival ranges from 100% in well-differentiated liposarcoma to 56% in pleomorphic liposarcoma.

The odds of getting this form of cancer are low, but it is a greater risk with each passing year. The odds of a child getting it are six in a million. But for adults, the odds of getting it are 40 in a million.

Medical science hasn’t yet discovered the cause of liposarcoma. However, research continues. and in future years, survival rates will become even stronger.


Hector Hernandez’s case shows what the extreme effects can look like. In most, the tumors are smaller.

The disease begins in the fat cells of the body. It most often gets created in the limb muscles or the stomach (as happened with Hector.)

Some of the symptoms of limb liposarcoma include the following:

Growing lumps under the limb skin, pain in the limbs, swelling of the limbs, weakness of the limbs.

Some of the symptoms of stomach liposarcoma include the following:

Stomach pain, stomach swelling, being full when eating less, constipation, bloody stool.

Anyone who suffers from these symptoms should make an appointment with a doctor straight away.

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