Batman delivers food to the homeless during lockdown
In Santiago, Chile a man has disguised himself as Batman while delivering food and words of encouragement to the homeless community in need around him as the pandemic continues on.
Dani Halteman

Weโ€™ve all seen the movies, tv shows, read the comics, or even played with the action figures of the heroes created to inspire us. Although in the movies they always possess some sort of magical ability that helps them save the world from absolute destruction as our own real-world goes through various times of need the hero complex is something we all aspire to be able to rise up too. Luckily, there are those among us who step up and have the ability to become the hero that lives within each of us.

Photo by Mohamed Abdelgaffar from Pexels
Photo by Mohamed Abdelgaffar from Pexels

A hero suits up for the task at hand.

This is the case for a man in Santiago, Chile who is dressing up as Batman and delivering food to the homeless.

Source: China Daily on Twitter/Screenshot

So who is the man behind the mask?


The man actually prefers not to be identified! Not only does he wear the full batman suit but also one that coheres to COIVD-19 safety precautions by wearing a facemask as well. Just as a true batman would.

China Daily/Video Screenshot
China Daily/Video Screenshot

Filling up this batmobile with food.

This batman works hard to pass out more than a dozen plates of food to those in need throughout the capital of Chile.

China Daily/Video Screenshot
China Daily/Video Screenshot

Spreading kindness in whatever way possible.

He speaks with Reuters about why he is taking the time to help those in need around him stating,

โ€œLook around you, see if you can dedicate a little time, a little food, a little shelter, a word sometimes of encouragement to those who need itโ€

China Daily/Video Screenshot
China Daily/Video Screenshot

Smiles through tough times.

He continues to point out that dressing up in the full Batman costume helps to bring a little joy to those he is giving the food too.

China Daily/Video Screenshot
China Daily/Video Screenshot

From one human being to another.

A man named Simon Salvador who is a recipient of this real-life heroโ€™s good deeds describes what this means to him to Reuters saying,

โ€œIt is appreciatedโ€ฆfrom one human to another.โ€

China Daily/Video Screenshot
China Daily/Video Screenshot

This Batman cooks too!

According to the Inquirer, this real-life hero disguised as Batman cooks about 100 food rations a day and even pays for the ingredients all on his own.

China Daily/Video Screenshot
China Daily/Video Screenshot

Time to rise up.

All over the world millions of humans are suffering devastating consequences of the pandemic as it continues to sweep around the world. But just like this Batman in Chile, millions around the world who are able to help are rising up just like the heroes we see in the movies and comics to do whatever they can to help those around them.

China Daily/Video Screenshot
China Daily/Video Screenshot

It is real-life stories such as these that seem to almost inspire us more than the ones we can see in any movie, tv-show, or comic since these are people just like us. Every day human beings just like you and I doing what they can to help the person beside them in need get by. As for this batman, heโ€™s doing a great job not only taking care of the community in need around him but spreading inspiration all around the world.

Watch the video below to see this real-life Batman in action!

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