Daddy reads baby a book about ‘dada’ – then she says her first word ‘mama’
He tried so hard but failed.
Cedric Jackson

There’s nothing sweeter or more fulfilling than becoming a parent. As you see this tiny person enter the world, your heart melts. Never again will your life be the same. At first, babies don’t do a lot other than sleep, poop, and cry. But with each passing week, you begin to notice distinct changes in their personality.

Although parents want to savor every moment, they also can’t wait until their infant reaches certain milestones. Two of the biggest are walking and talking. Speaking of the latter, some parents find themselves in somewhat of a competition. The mom wants the child’s first word to be “mama” while the dad hopes to hear “dada.” It’s a waiting game with results that only the baby decides.

One dad had an idea that would let him spend quality time with his baby while gaining a competitive edge.

In a video that’s garnered nearly 17,000 views and a lot of chuckles, you see a father reading a book to his child. With each page, the baby looks on as though he or she is completely mesmerized. The focus of the book is to show words in bold print that coordinates with photos of various animals in an attempt to teach a child to talk.

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This is a unique way of reading a book.

Okay, it’s apparent this Mom and Dad each wanted to be the first one to hear their child say their name, meaning “mama” or “dada.” Although the book chosen by the dad is filled with words and pictures of animals, he decided to get creative with his teaching method. As he reads each word out loud, he adds a “dada” before it.

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I think this might be considered cheating.

So, as the father goes through each page, the video becomes funnier and funnier. You first hear him say “dada” followed by “moo” for a cow. He moves on to another page, this time saying “dada” and “baa” for a sheep. Next comes the duck. You guessed it…he says, “dada, quack, quack.” He keeps going to a dog and then a cat.

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The mom who is videotaping this special moment between father and infant thinks it’s all so sweet.

At one point, you can hear her let out a soft giggle as she enjoys watching her husband and child bond over a book, even though he has an agenda. The baby is also having a wonderful time. When the dad’s ready to turn the next page, he taps on the book and gives his son or daughter a loving look. Although young, the baby immediately flips the page.

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This same process goes on for several minutes.

He’s determined to get his child to say “dada” before saying “mam.” So, he continues with the sounds of a mouse, donkey, frog, baby bird, and more. He patiently goes through each page while his baby giggles. After all that work and out of nowhere, the infant says, “mama,” looking straight at the camera. While the couple bursts into laughter, the baby looks at them like “What’s so funny?”

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The timing was perfect.

He was so determined but it just didn’t work out as planned. Throughout their time together, I’m not sure if the child was more immersed in the reading of the book, the animal sounds, or spending quality time with Dad. Regardless, this is something the family can look back on one day for fond memories and a good laugh.

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