Baby Is Born Dead 5 Months Into Pregnancy - 8 Minutes Later, Doctors Took Drastic Measures
When doctors realized the baby's heart stopped beating, Bex had to go into an emergency c-section. The baby was born dead, but the doctors took drastic measures to give her a chance.
Ashley Fike

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When Bex and her husband Martin found out that they were going to have a baby, they were thrilled. It was a dream come true for them both. Like any parents, they immediately began planning and preparing for the arrival of their new family member.

During the early months of the pregnancy, everything seemed fine — until a doctor’s check-up revealed that their baby had serious heart problems.


When Bex was just 5-months pregnant, she was forced to have an emergency cesarean — it wasn’t soon after the urgent delivery that their baby’s heart stopped beating. Devastatingly, the baby did not survive the premature birth.

Bex could sense that something was terribly wrong when she noticed that her baby wasn’t crying. Understandably, she was in total shock. Complete heartbreaking shock. She couldn’t help but break down and cry.

Eight minutes after her baby’s heart stopped, something happened that defied all odds — it was nothing short of miraculous.

As Bex was grieving the loss of her daughter, the doctors were in another room trying desperately to revive her. With the help of electro-shock treatment, 8 minutes later they were able to restart the beating of her heart. However, she was still on the brink of death — doctors needed to take drastic measures.


The doctors took the baby girl, named Willow, to the intensive care unit where they were going to perform a procedure called ‘brain hypothermia’ which is also known as ‘cooling therapy.’ They needed to make sure there was no permanent brain damage from those 8 minutes without oxygen.

The doctors placed the baby in an incubator and lowered her body temperature to just 91.4 degrees. She’d remain in that treatment for four long and painstaking days. Bex and Martin couldn’t even touch her hand.

After four days, she was removed from the incubator showing no signs of brain damage; but it was still going to be a long road to recovery.


“She didn’t cry for four weeks. Because she had so many tubes and they hurt her throat, she didn’t know how to cry,” Bex told The Mirror. “It’s strange, but all we wanted was to hear our baby cry.”


Finally, after a year and a half of getting better every single day, Willow is doing wonderfully. She is showing no signs of developmental problems at all.


“She has just been amazing in her recovery. We have been told there is still a risk that she could suffer developmental issues, but so far she is perfectly fine,” dad Martin told The Mirror. “Now she’s just a perfectly healthy baby.”

Willow’s story of recovery is absolutely incredible. The medical advancements of today saved her life, her doctors are true heroes.

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