When a babyโ€™s born, they often look a little silly. In their defense, they just spent nine months underwater. Then they underwent a difficult and uncomfortable journey. Itโ€™s no wonder their heads get squeezed into odd shapes and their skin looks a little blotchy.

Give them a couple of days and theyโ€™ll start to change. At that point, the family will rush in. Theyโ€™ll ask about the weight, length, and who the baby looks like. And of course, theyโ€™ll ask if he or she has hair.

Fun fact: thereโ€™s a way to predict whether your babyโ€™s going to have a lot of hair. Itโ€™s not foolproof, but itโ€™s about 85 percent accurate. If a pregnant mom has frequent heartburn, odds are sheโ€™ll deliver a baby with a lot of hair.

No, that doesnโ€™t mean heartburn causes hair. But it does mean the same hormones that cause pregnancy heartburn are also responsible for hair development.

Now, you can never be 100 percent sure until your baby arrives. Some pop out completely bald. Then others have a full head of hair the moment theyโ€™re born. Here are 45 babies with the craziest hair weโ€™ve ever seen.

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