Watch This Adorable Baby's Response To Dad Coming Home - It's Gone Viral With 17 Million Views
This is so adorable!
Kalli Sarkin

When you were a baby, your life completely revolved around your parents. There was no one in the world whom you adored more. Nothing made you happier than when one of your parents finally came home.

This adorable compilation video of babies reacting to their dads coming home is exactly what you need to get back the excitement of your childhood. Nothing is more pure than seeing these sweet faces light up when they hear their father’s voice.

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Babies have a special connection with their parents that we seem to lose over time. As the years go by and you grow older, the sight of your dad walking through the door doesn’t fill you with quite as much excitement anymore. It’s not the absolute highlight of your day like in the past. These videos remind us of the joy that comes with being in a family unit.

Before daddy returns home, these babies are on with their lives. They are playing, watching, and learning. That all changes the moment the door opens! Nothing matters anymore but capturing dad’s love and attention. The fixation these babies have on their fathers is too cute for words.

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When these babies see their dads, there is only one thing on their minds: being held by daddy. These children cannot wait to be pick up and cradled in their fathers’ arms. The warmth of these loving moments shines throughout the video.

Once dad is in the room, these kids cannot stop laughing. There is so much love and excitement in their hearts. Their main focus is to spend time with their fathers. It would seem that babies have a good grip on what truly matters.

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These fathers are lucky – they have their very own cheer squad. Nothing removes the stress of a long day at work like a soul who absolutely adores you. These dads can’t help but be happy when they see how much they mean to their little ones.

The bond between a dad and his baby is an irreplaceable one. This precious connection brings new meaning into the lives of the fathers, and they wouldn’t trade it for the world. It is heartwarming to see the pure happiness that comes from starting a loving family.

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This video reminds us how special it is to be able to spend time with our loved ones. We should all be excited to see our family members, each time they walk through the door.

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