Here’s the adorable scenario; it’s dinner time, so you sit your baby in her high chair, and then something extraordinary happens. She places her palms together, closes her eyes, and out of her mouth bellows the beautiful sounds of prayer.
Your baby has witnessed you lead the prayer so many times before and now she can do it herself. Way to go parents!

This series of videos capture the moment parents have been working towards ever since they became Moms and Dads. Parents want their kids to give thanks and express gratitude. They hope their children see the wonderful opportunities and the nourishing meal, as a blessing. These parents are obviously doing something right.
It’s amazing how this is not just a one-time event. These videos capture multiple babies praying. It’s a phenomenon.

Babies developing brains are like sponges, picking up everything they see and hear.
The growing brain links events and experiences as messages, called synapsis. Neurons pass these messages back and forth, over and over, building thoughts and ideas. The more babies experience something the more that synapse fires and the more that experience relays how they understand the world around them.
According to The Urban Child Institute,
“A child’s senses report to the brain about her environment and experiences, and this input stimulates neural activity.”

When we sit down to a meal, it’s a powerful practice to give thanks for all that went into bringing the sustenance to our table.
Gratitude and giving thanks is a huge key to happiness, and having a better chance for success and achievement. Giving this opportunity to your child offers a huge boost for their future.

The article on brain development goes on to say,
“Child development specialists have produced decades of research showing that the environment of a child’s earliest years can have effects that last a lifetime.”

The Golden Rule says, “Do to others what you want them to do to you.”
And what better way to raise your babies than to give them the tools to express gratitude and thanks. When you show your child positivity through your actions, they will mimic that action and make it a part of their own characteristics.
If you want your child to be grateful and happy, you can show them how, by being grateful and happy yourself.
The article states, “…these early years are a window of opportunity for parents, caregivers, and communities: positive early experiences have a huge effect on children’s chances for achievement, success, and happiness.”

The video shows so many different families with different backgrounds.
It’s a breath of fresh air to see how positive experiences at a young age, can work across divides. These praying little ones are not only life-affirming but they can be funny, too.

Your heart will laugh when one young girl lists the things she’s grateful for,
“Thank you for our pizza, and our plates, and our cups, and our silverware, and our sugar, and thanks for, um, baby Jesus…”
It’s even funnier when the camera turns to her older brother for his chance to give thanks, but he adamantly doesn’t want to join in.

Check out the video below and see how parent’s actions are the building blocks for the next generation’s behavior. The video offers an uplifting experience with adorable little babies praying and expressing gratitude before a meal.
It’s heartwarming, and a great example of parents doing the right thing for our future.
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