It is the little things in life that mean the most to us. We pour our hearts into the little details of our lives, and in these moments our love shines brightest. Those small, everyday moments are the ones that put the biggest smiles on our faces.
Amanda Oleander is an artist based in Los Angeles, and she knows love better than anyone. She has created a series of illustrations showing what love looks like when no one is watching. She has drawn her inspiration from her own relationship as well as from the experiences of loved ones. Her comics show love’s true face, glowing in each little moment we spend with our loved ones.
1) Long Hair Don’t Care

When it comes to cuddling, men definitely have it worse. They have to put up with our long hair in their faces all night long. They must really love us to put up with that.
2) No Shave November

It is such a hassle to shave your legs EVERY DAY, plus it dries out your skin. So a woman goes a few days without shaving. Well, it looks a lot different from a man’s point of view.
3) Cuddling While Cooking

Do you ever want to snuggle with your boo, but you need to cook too? The struggle is real. Cuddling while cooking is nowhere near efficient, but it is adorable.
4) Personal Favors

Being in a relationship means being close to someone. Like, closer than you’ve ever been. So close that you’re willing to do gross stuff for each other.
5) Busy Bees

Young couples in love really have to be good at multitasking. There is so much to take care of nowadays, and everything is so expensive. Somehow they manage to keep it all under control.
6) Melting In Bed

How are boys so warm at night?! I just don’t understand it. It sure is nice in the winter, though.
7) No More Videogames!

If you’re in love with a gamer, it can be hard to get the attention you deserve. Some people have to go to extreme lengths to get their way. It’s pretty funny when you think about it.
8) Gentle Touch

Women are so good at massages, especially when they are in tune with their own bodies. Nothing is better than coming home after a long day and getting a relaxing massage.
9) Pedicure Time

Pretty much all women love to have their nails done. Men who will do this for them are just the best. Set your macho behavior aside for a few minutes and get in touch with your softer side.
10) Our Dog Is Our Baby

Some couples get REALLY into their dogs. I’ve even seen people walking dogs in strollers. At least they love you back, right?
11) Time For A Hug

When you are hugging your significant other, everything feels right in the world. Hugging is one of the best ways to communicate love for each other. After all, your hearts are right next to each other.
12) Morning Breath

It can be tough to wake up with bad breath. No one wants to brush their teeth the second they open their eyes, but they don’t want to miss out on morning kisses, either. What to do…
13) Best Pillow Ever

Sometimes men just need to snuggle up with their ladies. Or a certain part of them, anyways. Yes, we are alluring.
14) The Dog Is Watching

It can be so creepy to do the dirty deed in front of your dog. Do they understand what’s going on? They don’t seem to care. Stay off the bed!
15) This Is Our Side

What men never understand is that the woman is scooting closer to the man. If the man keeps moving toward the edge, so will she. There is no escaping our cuddles!
16) Uncomfortable Conversations

Every couple has a different idea of what is okay. Where do you draw the line? I don’t think I could EVER be this comfortable with someone.
17) Fitting Together Perfectly

When two people are perfect for each other, it is like they are magnetically attracted to each other. They complete each other’s circuit.
18) More Gray Hairs

Finding gray hairs is a hard part of aging. Your body ages faster when you stress, so try to relax a bit and enjoy the little things in life. You can also de-stress with exercise.
19) Excited Greetings

Girlfriends are like pets; they are SO excited when they see you. They can’t wait to give you love and affection. And they think the world of you.
20) Time Together

At the end of the day, it doesn’t matter what you are doing. As long as you are together, you will be happy. This is what true love looks like.
Amanda Oleander knows love, and she expertly illustrates it in her series. Which drawings do you identify with? Let us know in the comments below.
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